🎤 Interview with uchuzine
2023年 2月 17日
uchuzine was kind enough to speak with us about making UCHU MEGA FIGHT!
English (translated)
Translated by Renkon

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
I’m uchuzine, an indie developer. I guess you could say Gekidan Curry Rice is the name of my development team? But it’s actually an amateur theater company that puts on stage performances, and on the side, we develop games together. I make websites for my job.
How did you get started making games?
I was influenced by my older brother who likes to make games. From elementary to junior high school, I tried out different game-making software like Dezaemon 3D, RPG Maker, and Klik & Play. For my work, I learned to program in Flash.

What does your general game-making process look like?
Since I work by myself, I just dive in without first drafting up a design or outline. I work on this in my free time, so the production is pretty fluid. I organize my ideas in Google Sheets by making lists (for concepts, techniques, etc.) and clearly lay out my tasks before starting.
Can you tell us about some of your favorite games or genres?
Gunstar Heroes for Mega Drive and Game Gear. I love the balance between comical and cool, and that’s what got me interested in programming and expressing characters with articulated movements.
I also like fighting games, but more than the fighting, I like the artwork and individual personalities of the fighters. I am of the generation that was rocked by games like Darkstalkers and Marvel Super Heroes.

Please tell us about UCHU MEGA FIGHT!
In the past, I made a fan version of Joy Mech Fight, and in 2020, after I learned about PICO-8, I was once again inspired to make a fighting game. I tweeted about the development process, which drew a lot of attention from fighting game fans, game distributors, composers, and fellow developers, and that helped me to make a lot of connections. Thanks to everyone’s support, we were able to release the full version in about two years.
Because anyone can comfortably play this game in their browser or on a smartphone at any time, I hope people can use UCHU MEGA FIGHT to familiarize themselves with fighting games.
What was your greatest influence when making UCHU MEGA FIGHT?
In addition to Joy Mech Fight, UCHU MEGA FIGHT is modeled after X-Men: Children of the Atom, and the characters and tempo are based on Waku Waku 7. The UI is modeled after Street Fighter Alpha 3.
The scenario and worldview are based on a manga I wrote in junior high school, but I think I was influenced by American comics.

What was the most challenging part of making UCHU MEGA FIGHT?
Every character has a Joy Mega Mode and Choy Mega Mode that changes their abilities and movement. PICO-8 games have a strict limit of 8192 tokens that dictates how much coding you can fit in the file. It is comparatively easy to make simple puzzles and mini-games, so many people stick with those genres. But with a little ingenuity, you can make anything you want.
When you play UCHU MEGA FIGHT, who do you main and what mode do you play in? Is there a particular reason? And please share any tips!
Since it is the best to check for the most general experience, I often go with Uchuzine in Normal Mode. When I participate in competitions, I often choose my alter ego, Japan Kamen.
For those who are playing for the first time, I recommend the Choy Mega Mode where you can perform special moves without inputting commands. In particular, Utsuuji Man in Choy Mega Mode lets you win by just flying around!

Why did you choose to make UCHU MEGA FIGHT in PICO-8? What was it like working with the fantasy console?
PICO-8 can be off-putting due to its strict token limitation, but on the other hand, it has the advantage of making me to think, “I can’t fit in anything else, so I should just move on without worrying about it.” Because of that, I was able to continue working on the game without hitting any deadlocks.
I think more people should pay attention to PICO-8 since it has the advantage of being able to export low-capacity, easy-to-operate browser games.
Can you recommend any PICO-8 games?
KING: A bullet-hell RPG: An RPG with a combat system like Undertale. It’s a good game that you can clear in a reasonable amount of time.
WitchCraft Tower Defence: An addictive and crunchy game. There is also an updated Steam version.

Can you tell us about some other games you worked on in the past?
「パズル カーシュカーシュ」 (Puzzle Cache Cache): This was a puzzle game for smartphones created in Flash (Adobe Air) in 2015. It is currently not available to download, but I would like to revive it because there is a lot of potential to have it crossover with UCHU MEGA FIGHT.
Can you tell us about anything you are currently working on?
I am helping with the graphics for Super ROBO OH, a sequel to ROBO OH that had a crossover with UCHU MEGA FIGHT. In contrast to the previous title that looked like a Famicom-era game, the concept is that of a Super Famicom-style fighting game. People who grew up with that generation of fighting games won’t be able to resist.
We are planning to add more characters to UCHU MEGA FIGHT and port it to other platforms. After all, you want to play it on the Switch, right?

Do you have any messages for your players?
When we showed off UCHU MEGA FIGHT at an event, there was a family that kept coming back to our booth again and again and saying, “Even kids can play this one…”
Fighting games are usually considered to be catered to men, and there are few titles that appeal to older people, children, or women. In that regard, the goal of UCHU MEGA FIGHT is to create a fighting game that anyone can play. We would love for everyone to play our game, and we would be very happy to receive your feedback.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

インディー開発者のuchuzineです。 「劇団カレーライス」は開発チーム名ですか?と聞かれることがありますが、舞台の公演をやっているアマチュア劇団で、その活動の一部としてゲーム開発をしています。 仕事では、webサイト制作を行っています。
兄の影響で手作りゲームが好きで、小~中学生の頃にデザエモン、ツクール、Click&Createといったゲーム制作ソフトに手を伸ばしていきました。 プログラムは仕事でFlashから学びました。

個人制作なので、企画書やデザイン案など作らず実制作に入るようにしています。私生活の空き時間での作業なので、かなり流動的ですね。 アイディアを整理するためGoogleスプレッドシートで一覧(コンセプト表や技表など)をつくり、タスクを明確にしてから着手してたりします。

以前「ジョイメカファイト」のファンメイドを作りかけた事があり、2020年にPICO-8を触った事をきっかけに、格闘ゲームを作りたい思いが再燃しました。 開発初期に経過をツイートした事で注目をいただき、格闘ゲームファン、ゲーム配信者、作曲者、開発者仲間などの繋がりが生まれ、皆様に支えられつつ約2年で完成版をリリースできました。
「ジョイメカファイト」はもちろんですが、格闘ゲームとしては「X-MEN cota」、キャラクターやテンポ感は「わくわく7」をお手本にしています。UIは「ストリートファイターZERO3」ですね。

全キャラの性能や操作が変化する「ジョイメガモード」「ちょいメガモード」を盛り込んだ事ですね。 PICO-8製ゲームには書けるプログラム量に「8192トークン」という厳しいリミットがあり、比較的簡単なパズルやミニゲームを作るケースが多いのですが、工夫次第で意外と何でも作れるんです。
uchuzineさんが、このゲームをプレイする時、どのキャラクターでどのモードを選びますか? 理由もあれば教えてください! そして、もしコツがあれば、それも教えてください!

「KING: A bullet-hell RPG」 UNDERTALE風の戦闘システムを持ったRPGで、ほどよい時間でクリアできる良作です。
「WitchCraft Tower Defence」 歯ごたえがあり中毒性が高いです。パワーアップしたSteam版もあります。

「パズル カーシュカーシュ」 2015年にFlash(AdobeAir)で制作したスマホ向けのパズルアプリで、現在は配信停止しているのですが、ウチュメガファイトとのコラボ展望もあるので復活させたいと思っています。

とかく格闘ゲームは男の世界で、「老・若・女」にアピールができる作品は少ないですよね。そういった意味で、誰でも遊べる格闘ゲームがウチュメガファイトの目標です。 ぜひ皆さまに遊んでいただき、ご意見をいただければ幸いです。