📰 2024 Autumn Zine Issue and Wrap-Up!
2024年 12月 07日Hi hello! I hope you haven’t given up on us yet! I have to apologize for these past few months and my lack of energy to work on the site. I cannot promise that my output will be back up to what it was in the first year, but Daikon and I are going to do our best. Without further ado, let’s get right into the long-awaited インディー通信 Indie Tsushin 2024 Autumn zine issue!

The zine is viewable in browser on itch, and available for download in PDF, ePub, and MOBI formats on itch and Ko-Fi. We also have digital postcards (PDF and PNG) and the インタビュー特集 (Japanese interview edition) for download. Our zine is on a pay-what-you-want system so anyone can read it! We really hope that you will check it out!
Here’s what’s inside:
2024 Autumn インディー通信 Indie Tsushin Zine Issue
🎮 Missile Dancer 2
We looked at Missile Dancer 2, a 3D rail shooter with sprite scaling graphics and a fun lock-on targeting system by prolific indie STG creator TERARIN GAMES! Pirouette through the sky and dodge enemy fire, grab items, and take down waves of enemies in this exciting modern reimagining of retro arcade shooters!
🎮 Yumeiri
Game profile of Yumeiri by ishinoura, a dreamy one-dimensional RPG delving into memories of the past and confronting the hidden demons that haunt us!
🎮 Monstrous Park
Daikon dives into the unsettling world of Monstrous Park, a visual novel series by Kanna! What could be hiding behind the cheerful facade of this strangely cheerless amusement park?
🌟 Operation STEEL JA Translation Postpartum
Guest writer mojilove walks us through the process of translating Undermog’s Operation STEEL from English to Japanese in this introspective postpartum!
🎤 Interview with Terarin
We had the opportunity to speak with famed STG creator Terarin of TERARIN GAMES! We talked about shooting games both old and new, working with different styles within the genre, and pushing into new territory with the 3D rail shooter, Missile Dancer 2!
🎤 Interview with ishinoura
We spoke with ishinoura about making the one-dimensional roguelike game, Yumeiri!
🎤 Interview with Kanna
We had the opportunity to speak with Kanna about how starting as a doujinshi illustrator led to the creation of an original setting filled with a colorful cast spinning tales of drama in the creepy world of Monstrous Park!
💬 Comments section now open!
We now have a comments section at the bottom of all our blog entries, courtesy of Damien Erambert! Let us know what you think about our articles and interviews directly on this site without needing to sign up for any social media accounts! (Though of course, you can still find us on Mastodon and Bluesky, and e-mail us if that’s more your speed!)
🫙 勉強会ジャム2024 // Study Buddy Jam 2024 ending soon
Don’t forget that the 勉強会ジャム2024 // Study Buddy Jam 2024 ends on December 8th! You’ve still got time to pick up something you’ve never tried before and learn something new!
☕ Zine issues now also available on Ko-Fi!
I’ve added back issues of the zine to our Ko-Fi shop in order to make it easier to tip in currencies besides USD! You can get your downloads there, or you can continue to view issues in browser and pay what you want on itch.
📰 2024 July-August issue
Check out the 2024 July-August issue and its games if you haven’t yet. And be sure to look through our full catalog for more great stuff!
🍸 Happy Hour!
Subscribe to our YouTube channel and tune in every Thursday from 9PM UTC+9 for Happy Hour, a bilingual show introducing some indie games!
And now, a word from our sponsors
Just kidding! インディー通信 Indie Tsushin is ad-free, does not (and will never!) run sponsored content, and is mostly made by two people in their spare time. We write the articles, buy the games out of pocket, conduct and translate the interviews, lay out and edit the website and zines, pay for hosting and recording equipment, and so on. We do all this because we are gigantic nerds and hope that more people can play and appreciate Japanese indie games and their developers. We would gladly do it even if we never made a single yen from this.
BUT! If you enjoyed the zine, please consider buying our zines or supporting us with a Ko-Fi subscription! Any amount would be more than enough, and would go a long way towards boosting our morale and keeping us going. Not only that, it lets us pay guest writers to appear in the zine! If you can’t afford to donate, don’t even worry about it! Indie Tsushin will always be available to read for free and will never go behind a paywall. You can help us a ton just by sharing our articles and videos, or rating and reviewing our zines on itch.io. Thank you so much for all of your kind support!
🙏 Thanks for reading!
That’s all for now, but be sure to check the インディー通信 Indie Tsushin blog for the latest articles, follow our Steam curator account, subscribe to the RSS feed, and sign up for our monthly e-mail digest so you don’t miss anything! Hope you enjoy the issue and games!