🎤 Interview with ishinoura
2024年 10月 26日We spoke with ishinoura about making the one-dimensional roguelike game, Yumeiri!
English (translated)
Translated by Renkon

(2021) Yumeiri
Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
We are a group of part-time indie game creators. We work other jobs while finding time to work on games, and no matter how many years it takes, we are able to get through it with our mature mentality and strong programming skills.
How did you get started making games?
Obviously because I love games.
Can you tell us about some of your favorite games and genres?
I love Romancing SaGa 3!

Please tell us about Yumeiri!
Taking a realistic approach to the world, this game is about looking back on one’s life and overcoming obstacles in a non-field roguelike.
I understand Yumeiri was originally released as a mobile game. Could you tell us about some of the differences between it and the Steam version?
Yumeiri (originally ヒュプノノーツ, Les Hypnonautes) was initially released in 2012 for Android only, and has been remade several times since then, with the contents changing bit by bit each time. When the Nintendo Switch and PC versions were released, we added more scenarios.
Can you tell us about the process of making Yumeiri?
When we made the very first version, we were not working on anything else, so we were able to immerse ourselves in the creative process. Since then, all of our games have been made while doing other work.
What was your greatest influence when making Yumeiri?

The characters’ emotions and worries are expressed through battle, and the frustration the characters feel, are reflected to the player in the form of these overwhelming turn-based battles. Can you tell us about how you used battles to convey these emotional beats?
I was playing a commercial RPG and thought that kind of expression might be possible, so I did that.
The early stages of Yumeiri are also filled with childhood events, such as enemy encounters against green peppers and celery, and healing events where the main character is praised. What was your favorite event?
In Chapter 4, the boyfriend is described as a tool.
What was the most challenging part of making Yumeiri?
Making the scenarios interesting was a challenge.

The change in tone between the first and second chapters in particular was quite striking and had me really invested in what happens next. Did you pay any particular attention to how the story would unfold?
Because it is a game and especially an RPG, there are so many restrictions on what kinds of stories you can come up with, and it is difficult to try and it into place. You have no choice but to just give it your all to convey what you can while protecting the format of the game, without much leeway to push your own preferences through.
Is there anything in Yumeiri to which you want to draw the player’s attention?
The RPG genre itself is about providing an experience of “steadily leveling up and being able to defeat a boss you couldn’t defeat before,” along with giving players the power to live their lives. That’s the reason why Dragon Quest was so popular in the past and is still beloved today.
Our game is a “roguelike RPG” which is a similar, or rather sub-genre to RPGs, but we aimed to combine it with a story that makes the most of the genre’s inherent appeal.

Do you have any indie games that you’d like to shout out? What do you like about them?
I recommend Toki’s escape room games. I like their use of lighting.
Can you tell us about other games you worked on in the past?
Cards & Dragons Sealed is a card-battling RPG that uses super unique rules. It has a very strong “RPG feeling” for a card game, so if you’re interested, please give it a try.
Can you tell us about anything you are currently working on?
We are working on a one-dimensional roguelike RPG called 至れり尽くせリ (Itareri Tsukuseri, everything you could ask for). Set in 2003 Ueno, it is a fantastic legend with a retro Heisei Era worldview. We made the experience more intense, and hope that you enjoy it.

Do you have any messages for your players?
If you enjoyed playing our games, we would be delighted if you wrote a review. We read all of them.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

(2021) ヒュプノノーツ

「ヒュプノノーツ」は、当初は2012年にAndroid専用としてリリースして、以後何度か作り直していて、その都度少しずつ内容を変更しています。Nintendo SwitchおよびPC版をリリースした際には、追加シナリオを加えました。

「ヒュプノノーツ」には、ピーマンやセロリといった敵やロボットとの出会いであったり、ほめられた思い出など子供らしいイベントがたくさん詰まっています。 石乃浦骨董店さんの一番お気に入りのイベントは何ですか。


