🎤 Interview with KaniPro Games
2023年 2月 20日
KaniPro Games was kind enough to speak with us about making the retro-styled Violet Wisteria!

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Chris, I’m American born and moved to Japan in 2005. I’ve always loved Japanese video games and music, and I’ve been playing 8- and 16-bit games for most of my life. So pretty much Sega Mark III, Famicom, PC Engine, Megadrive, and Super Famicom.
How did you get started making games?
Video games are very different now than they were when I was young. It seems very few developers want to make games that way anymore, so I decided I would have to do it myself. That’s when I discovered GameMaker Studio and started watching tutorials.

What projects have you worked on in the past? What are some things you learned from making them?
This is my first game.
What does your general process for game development look like?
I first come up with the overall setting/game universe and a core mechanic. In the case of Violet Wisteria, it’s an homage to Valis so the type of atmosphere was already decided. Then I sketch out the protagonist and enemies, along with some simple behavior ideas. After that I draw out ideas for stage design on paper. Basically the main ideas for the game all happen on paper and pencil. Then I begin writing the program, along with VERY rough sketches for sprites, which I had redrawn by professionals afterward. As things start moving on the screen, I’ll find ways to adjust enemy behavior to make the game better/more fair. So a big part of the process is tweaking and adjusting my original idea.

What are some of your favorite games and game genres? What do you find most appealing about them?
I mostly play 2D platformers and shooters. Personally I prefer games that require reflexes, I’m not very interested in the story. I like games where the story is mostly conveyed by the artwork and music, not dialog.
Valis the Fantasm Soldier is one of my favorite game series because the music and environments portray the universe so well. I like games where the setting and gameplay blend together. So games like Astyanax (Lord of King) and Vice Project Doom (Gun Dec). I’m also a big fan of Treasure’s games. Alien Soldier might be my favorite game ever.
I see that you really love retro games! Can you tell us about some of your favorite systems and games? What are some of your favorite memories playing those games, either as a child or now as an adult?
As I said earlier, I do love 8- and 16-bit Japanese games, and some from the 32-bit era as well. One very good memory I have is during Christmas when I was in 6th grade I received 2 Super NES games for Christmas! We weren’t a rich family, so it was unbelievable. The games were Soul Blazer and Final Fantasy Mystic Quest. I still love both of these games to this very day, even though many people think Final Fantasy Mystic Quest is too easy.
As an adult, I had a lot of fun discovering lesser known Playstation 1 games. You may know that PS1 games had very little value in Japan for many years but recently some have become expensive. I was lucky enough to buy up most of these games before prices started going up. Some great discoveries were Coro Coro Post Nin, Little Ralph, Cyborg Kuro Chan, Sound Qube, and Monkey Magic.

What are some of the biggest influences on your works?
Valis of course, but also Astyanax, Moon Crystal, Vice Project Doom, and a recent homebrew on the Master System (Mark III) called Silver Valley. I was also influenced by games like Super Magnetic Neo and Ikaruga, with their very intelligent use of reflexes.
Please tell us about Violet Wisteria.
It’s a traditional 2D platformer based on the model of 8- and 16-bit action games: there are a finite number of lives and continues, and when they run out you need to start the game over. The protagonist is Wisteria Asagiri, a young woman who now rules as the queen of the Higher Realm. Monsters from the Under-Realms manage to break into Wisteria’s capital, and she must set off to find who is behind the invasion.
The core action gimmick is the tri-color attack system. The player can use three different types of sword attacks which all have a color assigned: blue, white, and red. Enemies also appear in one of these three colors as palette swaps. The rules are like rock-scissors-paper, with the order being blue-white-red-blue. This is a very challenging system to use at first, so there is a hint system the player can turn on or off at any time.
Violet Wisteria has 8 stages and will challenge even veteran gamers. There are also unlockable modes and special bonuses for players who beat the game skillfully.

What has the response been to Violet Wisteria so far? I know that you showed the game at Tokyo Game Dungeon. Have you gone to any other shows, and what kind of feedback did you get from players?
People tend to like the presentation and universe of Violet Wisteria but also say it’s extremely challenging. It’s not a game you can master in 5 minutes, it really takes time. Due to this I’ve had to adjust the difficulty and even add in a practice mode with infinite continues (the game ends after stage 7 on this mode). But some people who can appreciate the era of games Violet Wisteria is inspired by really became interested and even finished the demo. I did also have a booth at Digital Gaming Expo, and a couple people made it to the first boss, but no one was able to see stage 2.
What was the most challenging part of making Violet Wisteria?
I had no programming experience at all before making Violet Wisteria, so of course that required a lot of trial and error, and patience. But I honestly don’t think developing the game was particularly difficult. Balancing player feedback with my own vision has been an important and sometimes challenging task. There are some suggestions that are reasonable and definitely make the game better. Some player comments are just based on their own preferences and don’t necessarily match what kind of game I want to make, and some things I’m just not capable of doing because of lack of money and skill. So I’ve had to choose carefully what to implement.
Advertising and letting people know about the game has been the most difficult part. I don’t have an advertising budget, so I need to rely on social media mostly. I’ve sent out press releases at important points along development, and luckily a few mid-sized websites did run articles on Violet Wisteria. But it still doesn’t have much buzz in the community, and none of the major sites like IGN or Famitsu have noticed it. But I’ll keep trying.

What are you working on next?
I want to make a vertical shooter next, but I can’t reveal more than that now.
Do you have any messages for your players?
I hope Violet Wisteria teaches you to never give up. Not just in video games, but in life. For those who have given the game a chance and had a positive experience, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Where can we find more of your work?
Before making this game I had a YouTube channel under the name Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd where I reviewed obscure Japanese games. You can find me on Twitter as either Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd or Kanipro.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

私の名前はChrisです。アメリカ生まれで、2005年に日本に引っ越してきました。日本のビデオゲームと音楽が大好きで、人生のほとんどで8ビットと16ビットのゲームをプレイしてきました。つまり、セガマークIII、ファミコン、PC エンジン、メガドライブ、スーパーファミコンです。
近代のビデオゲームは、私が若い頃とは大きく異なります。当時のような方法でゲーム作りをしたいと思う開発者はもうほとんどいないように思います。そのため自分自身で作らなければならないと思い、ゲーム作りをすることを決心しました。そしてGameMaker Studioをみつけて、チュートリアルを見始めました。

まず初めに、全体的な設定/ゲームの世界とコア メカニクスを考えました。「ヴァイオレットフジ子」の場合は、「ヴァリス」へのオマージュ作品なので雰囲気は決まっています。

私が持っている非常に良い思い出の1つは、6年生のときのクリスマスに2つのスーパーファミコンのゲームをもらったことです。私たちは裕福な家庭ではなかったので、信じられないことでした。その二つのゲームは「ソウルブレイダー」と「ファイナルファンタジーUSA ミスティッククエスト」でした。「ファイナルファンタジーUSA」は簡単すぎると多くの人が考えていますが、私は今でもこれらのゲームの両方を愛しています。

「ヴァリス」はもちろんですが、それ以外にも、「ザ・ロード・オブ・キング」、「ムーンクリスタル」、「ガンデック」、そして「Silver Valley」と呼ばれるマスターシステムマークIIIの最近の作品などです。「スーパーマグネチックニュウニュウ」や「斑鳩」のような非常に知的な反射神経を使ったゲームにも影響を受けました。

5分でマスターできるゲームではなく、本当に時間がかかります。このため、難易度を調整する必要があり、無限に続く練習モードを追加する必要がありました (このモードでは、ステージ 7 の後にゲームが終了します)。しかし、「ヴァイオレットフジ子」がインスパイアされたゲームの時代を理解できる一部の人々は、本当に興味を持ち、デモを終了することさえできました。デジゲー博にもブースを出していて、何人かが最初のボスにたどり着きましたが、誰もステージ2を見ることができませんでした。
ゲームを宣伝して人々に知らせることは、最も困難な部分でした。広告予算がないので、主にソーシャルメディアに頼る必要があります。私は開発中の重要な時点でプレス リリースを送信しましたが、幸運にもいくつかの中規模のWebサイトで「ヴァイオレットフジ子」に関する記事が掲載されました。しかし、コミュニティではまだあまり話題になっておらず、IGNやファミ通などの主要なサイトのいずれもそれに気づいていません.しかし、私は努力し続けます。


このゲームを作る前に、私は「Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd」という名前でYoutubeチャンネルを持っていて、無名の日本のゲームをレビューしていました。ツイッターでは、「Ultra Healthy Video Game Otaku」または「KaniPro」として私を見つけることができます。