🎤 Interview with Arai Hitoe

2023年 4月 26日
Indie Tsushin 2023 April issueThis article was featured in our 2023 April issue. Check out more articles and interviews in the full issue.

We had the chance to speak with Arai Hitoe about pixel art, game development, and their contemplative fishing game, VacationReels!

English (Translated)

Translated by Renkon

Pixel art character standing near a campfire at night.

(2020) 「キミはただ夜があけるのを待っていた」 (Kimi wa tada yo ga akeru no wo matteita, You were only waiting for the dawn to break)

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.

My name is Arai Hitoe, and I am a pixel artist and effects designer.

How did you get started making games?

I wanted to make games for a long time, and before I knew it, I was making them. I wanted to do things like draw art, write code, and create scenarios, and from these scattered creative endeavors sprouted my desire to make games.

What does your general game-making process look like?

It depends on the project. Sometimes I want to leave a certain impression with my art, and come up with some vague rules from there, things like that.

Title screen of SillyVelocity

(2020) SillyVelocity

How did you become interested in pixel art?

The first work that really struck me was Squaresoft's Seiken Densetsu 3. I love the beautiful purples of the shadows, the backgrounds that stand out in high contrast, the delightful character designs and brisk animations, the item icons that make me want to reach out and pick them up in real life, and so on. It is probably the reason why I started working as a pixel artist.

Can you tell us about some of your favorite games or genres?

I am always falling in love with action RPGs. My favorite game is unmistakably Level-5's Dark Chronicle (ed. note: released as Dark Cloud 2 in North America). At the time, I was absolutely crazy for it.

Character breaking the fishing line while pulling in a catch.

(2022) VacationReels

Please tell us about VacationReels!

VacationReels is a fishing game made for the Unity1Week game jam for the theme of 「Re」. I guess you could say that it is a chill game. Cast your line at your leisure and pull up weird fish. Even though that's the gist of it, my goal was to make a space where I could clear my mind.

What was your greatest influence when making VacationReels?

I don't think I was influenced by any one thing. My image of this game was made from elements that I picked up in bits and pieces from a variety of places. However, if I had to choose the thing that stood out strongest, it would be my previous work, 「キミはただ夜があけるのを待っていた」 (Kimi wa tada yo ga akeru no wo matteita, You were only waiting for the dawn to break). That was also created for Unity1Week, but it has a slightly darker atmosphere compared to VacationReels.

Character setting their fishing cast gauge.

What was the most challenging part of making VacationReels?

Pushing my artwork past my comfort zone. I tried to make something that would get players to think, "This is a one-screen game that doesn't change," but if you watch closely, you will see that the artwork changes quite a bit over time. I wanted to add more details, but I ran out of time, and so sadly, I had to cut some parts. The scene changes not only with the passing of time, but also with the fish the player catches. I wanted to make something that has changes so slight that even I would have a hard time noticing, but if you pay attention, you would notice it actually changes quite dramatically.

Mouse sitting on a grassy bank looking up at the stars, which are being connected by the player with lines.

(2021) 星つなぎのチュウ太 (*Hoshi Tsunagi Chuuta*, Star-Linking Chuuta)

Before VacationReels, you made "You were only waiting for the dawn to break" and 「星つなぎのチュウ太」 (Hoshitsunagi no Chuuta). In these three games, I felt that the sense of alone time was very important. Please tell us what appeals to you about turning these feelings into a game.

I personally love spending time by myself. However, I think I could only start to appreciate that once I understood that I am not actually alone. The characters in these games don't have the conviction that "I'm not actually alone," and so they feel lonely. I think the characters and atmospheres for these games were created from my own internal anxieties around loneliness. But just giving in to anxiety would lead to a hopeless world. Along with these worries, let's add a bit of warmth. I want to make games with that sort of feeling.

VacationReels was an entry to a game jam. What do you like about game jams?

They have a very short time limit, and the development teams are very small. In other words, it's a wonderful opportunity for me to express myself directly to the player though my games. In my case, I don't enter game jams to make titles for sale, but to fulfill my desire to create the things I want. There aren't many other chances like them.

Fishing results screen of a huge blue shark with a gaping mouth filled with teeth

Which is your favorite fish in VacationReels?

I love all of them, but if I had to pick only one, it would be Gabutta. It was fun to draw, and I like how overexaggerated it is.

Can you tell us about any other games you worked on in the past?

On Unity Room, I have 3D games such as 「ゆめうつつめいろ」 (Yumeutsutsu Meiro, Trance Maze), SillyVelocity, and 「ブリュースターのみる夢」 (Dreaming Brewster). One of them, Trance Maze, looks plain and rough at first glance, but using the theme of getting lost in a surreal maze, the player's confusion also becomes part of the experience. To put it another way, I wanted to express the dreamlike sensation of feeling of comfortable discomfort. In the future, I want to reuse and refine this element in a different game.

Maze filled with mist and floating light particles, and a giant column of light in the distance as the goal

(2021) ゆめうつつめいろ (*Yumetsutsu Meiro*, Trance Maze)

Can you tell us about anything you are currently working on?

I'm working little by little by myself on a shooting game. I can't seem to find time to work on it, so progress has been slow.

Do you have any messages for your players?

I can't say that my games are going to be for everyone. But I would be honored if even a small part of them remains in your heart after playing. I consider my works to be my children. If other people show any interest in my children, it would make me happier than anything.

Completed fishing guide for VacationReels

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Pixel art character standing near a campfire at night.

(2020) 「キミはただ夜があけるのを待っていた」







Title screen of SillyVelocity

(2020) SillyVelocity





Character breaking the fishing line while pulling in a catch.

(2022) VacationReels





Character setting their fishing cast gauge.



Mouse sitting on a grassy bank looking up at the stars, which are being connected by the player with lines.

(2021) 星つなぎのチュウ太





Fishing results screen of a huge blue shark with a gaping mouth filled with teeth




Unity Roomでは他にも「ゆめうつつめいろ」「SillyVelocity」「ブリュースターのみる夢」等3Dのゲームも公開しています。特に、一見地味で荒削りですが、ゆめうつつめいろは夢の中の迷路をテーマにしたため、プレイヤーが「?」と思う要素が含まれています。具体的には、夢の中の「違和感のない違和感」を表現したようなものです。この要素はいずれ別のゲームでもっといい形でリメイクしたいと思ってます。

Maze filled with mist and floating light particles, and a giant column of light in the distance as the goal

(2021) ゆめうつつめいろ





Completed fishing guide for VacationReels


Arai HitoeYou can follow Arai Hitoe on Twitter @arai_hitoe, and find more of their works on their homepage and Unity Room profile.
