🎤 Interview with Sho Hiryu
2023年 8月 21日
We got to speak with Sho Hiryu about making party games like the asymmetrical stealth game, Ninja Sneaking VS!
English (Translated)
Translated by Renkon
Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
#I'm Sho Hiryu, a game planner for WINGLAY. I make games for Steam and the Nintendo Switch.
How did you get started making games?
#Around 2011, I learned that it was possible to release indie games onto the Xbox 360 that were made in the original Pixel Game Maker, so I worked hard to learn how to use it.
That was when I released the original Ninja Sneaking.
Can you tell us about some of your favorite games and genres?
#I love action games. I don't have much time to play these days, so I play idle games.
Please tell us about Ninja Sneaking VS!
#Ninja Sneaking VS an asymmetrical stealth battle game. You play as kunoichi and sneak past enemy ninja, crawl along the ceilings, and double-jump to reach the goal. Every turn, one player becomes the pursuer and tries to catch the other players by placing traps. The pursuer can also move around and interfere with other players.
In the end, the player with the most points wins.
Can you tell us about the process of making Ninja Sneaking VS? Was it different from the way you made your other games?
#I've always made simple games where you just aim for a goal, so this time making the system was quite difficult and challenging.
What was your greatest influence when making Ninja Sneaking VS?
#The idea of placing traps was inspired by Ultimate Chicken Horse.
What was the most challenging part of making Ninja Sneaking VS?
#It was my first time creating such a complicated system in Pixel Game Maker MV. There are still a few bugs, but I don't know what's causing them. The bugs don't block progress, so I left them in as-is.
You said that you made this game in Pixel Game Maker MV. Can you tell us what it's like making games in this engine? Do you have any advice for people who have no experience but are interested in making their own games?
#Pixel Game Maker MV is in Japanese, so I think it's easy to pick up. I think that the Maker system is perfect for learning the basics of game design. If you make a full game, then Gotcha Gotcha Games, who released Pixel Game Maker MV, will publish your games and you can sell them on the Nintendo Switch.
Ninja Sneaking VS is a very exciting and fun game to play against others. Can you give us some strategies and tips to defeat opponents?
#The most important thing is to learn how the traps work. When it is your turn to sneak past, the movement of the traps and pursuer are quite rough. Even if it seems like it's impossible to get past, you can reach the goal, so don't give up and keep trying. And if you find scrolls that randomly spawn throughout the stages, it's a good idea to grab them. They will add points to your final score.
Is there any one thing in Ninja Sneaking VS to which you'd like to draw particular attention?
#There are many types of traps and stages, so the same levels are (probably) unlikely to occur, so I think you can play for a long time.
I also understand that this game was entered in a contest. Can you tell us about that contest? What was it like to enter?
#I entered the first 神ゲー創造主エボリューション (God-Game Creators Evolution) by NHK. I happened to have the perfect timing, so when I submitted my proposal, it passed the first round of judging. I lost in the second round, but it was a good opportunity to have professionals actually play my games and get their feedback.
It was a lot of fun, so I am participating again in the second contest this year.
You've created a lot of competitive multiplayer games in the past. Please tell us what you find appealing about multiplayer games and how you test-play them for balance.
#Regarding its charm… Party games were originally meant to be played among friends, so no matter what, the game is going to be fun, so I didn't really need to think about game balance (problematic statement).
The reason why I made so many party games was to get live streamers to play them. They were often used in Niconico events.
I used Steam's Remote Play function to test-play it with my streamer friends. It's hard to get four people together to play in-person.
Do you have any indie games that you'd like to shout out? What do you like about them?
#Kenshi: An open-world RPG with a ton of freedom. I got addicted and logged over 1600 hours into it.
Bamerang: A simple game in which players knock each other out with boomerangs. The action is simple but gets extremely fiery.
Can you tell us about other games you worked on in the past?
#蹴落とし!トレジャーハンター! (Kickdown! Treasure Hunter!) won the top award at the Niconico Indie Games Fes, which was later released as my first Nintendo Switch game. Because it is a party game that encourages talking, voice actors, comedians, famous streamers, and lots of other people have streamed their playthroughs online.
The Ninja Sneaking series are action games that feature the silly kunoichi infiltrates the enemy's castle and retrieves ninja scrolls. The first game has been remade and rereleased several times since its original 2011 Xbox Live Indie Games version.
Can you tell us about anything you are currently working on?
#迷える子羊と時空の箱舟 (Lost Lambs and the Ark of Space-Time): A physics simulation game made in Unity. Players are in charge of a flock of lambs that can only move to the right and must guide them using blocks to lead them towards the goal. You can give your lambs names and equip them with accessories to give them some personality. But if during the levels they get caught in a trap or the time runs out, they may die… Lead as many lambs as possible to the boss, then hit their weak points with your lambs to defeat them.
This was an entry to this year's NHK God-Game Creator Evolution. (It passed the first round.)
Do you have any messages for your players?
#Ninja Sneaking VS can be played with anyone online using Steam's Remote Play feature. If you have friends who can get together, please try playing the Nintendo Switch version (currently in development, scheduled to release in September).
Even if you only wishlist it on Steam, I would be very grateful.
I would like to continue making fun games, so please keep an eye out for them.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!
#企画屋WINGLAYの飛竜翔です。SteamとNintendo Switch向けのゲームを制作しています。
#2011年あたり、Xbox 360インディに初代アクションゲームツクールで作ったゲームを出せると知って頑張って覚えて出してました。
初代 「Ninja Sneaking」 もこの時に出しました。
この度の「Ninja Sneaking VS」という作品についてご紹介お願いします。
「Ninja Sneaking VS」を作るときに、どのようなプロセスで作成しましたか。他のゲームを作るときと何か違いがありますか。
「Ninja Sneaking VS」を作成するにあたり、最も影響を受けたものは何ですか?(例えば、ほかのゲームや映画など何でも構いません)
#「Ultimate Chicken Horse」罠を置くという点で影響を受けました。
「Ninja Sneaking VS」を作成するにあたり最も挑戦したことなどはありますか。
#アクションゲームツクールMVは日本語なのでとっつきやすいと思います。ツクール系はゲームの基礎を学ぶにはちょうど良いかと思います。ちゃんとしたものを作ればアクツクMVを出しているGotcha Gotcha GamesさんがパブリッシャーとなってくれてNintendo Switchでも販売できます。
「Ninja Sneaking VS」において、プレイヤーに伝えたいこだわったポイントなどありますか。
テストプレイはSteamのRemote Play機能を使用して、知り合いのゲーム実況者の人たちとしています。四人集めるのが大変。
#「蹴落とし!トレジャーハンター!」:ニコニコ自作ゲームフェスというコンテストで大賞を頂いて、その後、初めてNintendo Switchのゲームとして出しました。会話を引き出すパーティーゲームとして声優さん、芸人さん、有名実況者等いろいろな人に実況プレイして頂けました。
「Ninja Sneakingシリーズ」:アホの子くのいちが敵の城に行って巻物を取ってくるというスニーキングアクションゲーム。2011年Xbox 360インディ版から何回かリメイクを行ってリリースしています。
#Ninja Sneaking VSはSteamのRemote Play機能を使えばオンラインで皆で遊べます。集まれる友達がいる場合はNintendo Switch版(現在移植中、9月ごろ発売予定)が出たら是非プレイしてみてください。