🎤 Interview with Takashi Hamada
2023年 9月 18日
We had the opportunity to speak with Takashi Hamada of GIFT TEN INDUSTRY about making hybrid analog-digital video games like the puzzle-stuffed mystery game, Madorica Real Estate 2!
English (Translated)
Translated by Renkon

(2022) Madorica Real Estate 2: The Mystery of the New Property
Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am Hamada, the director of GIFT TEN INDUSTRY. Since it’s a small company, I am also the programmer. This year marks fifteen years of doing this. I’ve been making games this whole time.
How did you get started making games?
In 2014, I quit the game company I had been working at and started making my own games. At the time, I was in my late twenties, and so I guess I wanted to strike out on an adventure. I faced money troubles and other hurdles, but I was able to release a game into the world that I had designed myself! That made me really happy.
Our core team consists of two people: myself as the programmer and one other as the artist, and our team changes depending on the project. If we include everyone who is involved in some way, there are usually around five to eight people working on each project.

What does your general game-making process look like?
We place a lot of importance on creating physical prototypes. For example, we draw a diagram on a large sheet of paper, draw items and other things onto cards with a pencil, and prepare a script like what a GM (game master) might use. We do this to check if the game idea is fun or not, and set aside a period of time for this prototyping before starting to actually develop the game.
You might think you could write a program with the idea, “For now, I’ll just try to make something that works!” But by doing that, you might get too absorbed in the act of writing the program itself, and lose sight of your goal of creating an interesting game. A physical prototype allows you to focus on planning, and it is easy to make corrections with an eraser and pencil. Another benefit is that planners who don’t know how to program can check the deeper aspects of the gameplay.
Can you tell us about some of your favorite games (analog or digital) and genres?
When I was in elementary school, there was this PC game called A列車で行こう4 (Let’s Take the A-Train 4) that I played a ton. I loved leaving my computer on overnight, then waking up in the morning to see how my city developed. It came with a manual that was as thick as a dictionary, and I loved reading it.

Please tell us about Madorica Real Estate 2!
Madorica Real Estate 2 is a game where you print out a house floor plan, then compare it with the game events on screen in order to solve mysteries. You can enjoy the experience as if it were really taking place in your home. As the 2 in the title suggests, this is a sequel. This time, we asked Tumbleweed, a company that holds real-life escape room games and other game events, to design the puzzles. I’m confident that the amount of enjoyment you’ll get out of solving these puzzles is twice as much as the previous title.
What was your greatest influence when making the Madorica Real Estate series?
The greatest influence was a board game called Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective. Using an address book, newspapers, and a map of London from that time period, everyone would gather around to try and solve the case together. It was a very fun experience. I’m not very good at games, and I always lose in competitive play. Because of this, I find cooperative games where everyone works together to be much more enjoyable.

If you were to spend the night in a haunted house like the ones in this game, what would you do?
The ghosts that appear in this game are charming, so you may want to play with them. In order not to get too attached and get dragged into the afterworld, I think I would play Geister (a board game).
The puzzle solving was very interesting and I felt like I was actually in the room. Have you ever tried any real-life escape room games?
Thank you so much for playing. As for escape room games, to tell the truth, I haven’t really participated in that many. I do one about once a year. But when I started planning to make a puzzle-solving game, I asked my friend who loves puzzles, and together we solved a lot of escape rooms together. I’m not that good at solving puzzles, so I took notes on my clipboard to help her. I was very happy that my notes also came in handy later. Based on this experience, I was able to create the framework for Madorica Real Estate.

What was the most challenging part of making Madorica 2?
To help facilitate communication between the puzzle creator and the person putting them in the game, we made physical models of the stages. Due to COVID-19, we were unable to meet in person, so we would send the models to each others’ homes.
This game is a kind of fusion of digital and analog. Was there any particular reason to make it this way?
After I went independent, I made board games for a while, so I think that was a big influence. Board games can be played with a bunch of people and are a lot of fun. I thought that if there was a table with a piece of paper on it, and everyone could see what was on it, I could recreate that atmosphere of playing a board game together.
With the Madorica Real Estate series, of course you can have fun playing by yourself. But if you can, I think you’ll be able to make some great memories if you can play together with other people.

間取りのカルタVR (Floor Plan Card Game VR)
You’ve also worked on other games that utilized augmented reality. Are you interested in creating games using new technologies besides AR?
I’m always interested in combining technology in new ways. But on the other hand, due to my limited technical skills, I’ve run into issues creating satisfactory user experiences and providing continued support.
Now, instead of chasing after new technology, I would like to take the everyday technology and objects around us and find new and unexpected ways of playing with them. For example, making stuff like Nintendo Labo is something I’d like to try. I think because the sensor is quite difficult to utilize and the cardboard itself breaks down over time, this would be a challenging project. I was very impressed with the game Give Me Toilet Paper! On a technical level, it looks like something we could take on, and since every household has toilet paper, it would be easy to implement. But above all else, watching people play this is just so fun!
Can you tell us about other games you worked on in the past?
It’s not on our homepage yet, but recently we made a card game called オクタマ・トリ・カルタ (Okutama Bird Karuta). It’s a karuta game where you listen to the birds’ singing on your smartphone, then slap the card with the bird picture that matches.
My family moved to Okutama two years ago. Every morning I can hear many birds singing, but since I couldn’t remember which was which, I made this game. Thanks to that, now when I go hiking, I have more instances when I realize, “Oh! It’s that bird!” It’s made my daily life more enjoyable.

Can you tell us about anything you are currently working on?
I’ve been driving more often since moving to the countryside, and I enjoy listening to audio books in the car. Even though it’s just dialogue with no accompanying visuals for things like the scenery or the characters’ faces, it’s interesting to imagine the different scenes playing out in my head just by listening to the dialogue.
I want to recreate that experience, so I’m trying to make a game called 音を聞いて想像する (Listen to the Sounds and Imagine).
Do you have any messages for your players?
At the next Tokyo Game Show, you can play one of our games that is currently in development. If you can, please check it out! It is called MR. ELEVATOR.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

ゲーム作りを始めたきっかけはなんですか。 または、チームの紹介お願いします。


「シャーロック・ホームズ 10の怪事件」というゲームブックです。アドレス帳、新聞、そして当時のロンドンの地図を、皆で囲みながら事件を解いていくのは、とても楽しい体験でした。私はゲームが苦手で対戦ゲームでは負けてしまいます。ですので皆で協力するゲームのほうが楽しめます。

遊んでいただき、ありがとうございます。 脱出ゲームは、実は日常的にそこまで多くは参加したことがありません。年に1回程度です。ただ「謎解きゲームを作ろう」と企画を始めたときには、謎解き好きの友人にお願いして、何件もめぐりました。私は謎解きもあまり得意でないのでクリップボードに色々とメモをして彼女をサポートをしました。自分が書いたメモが後々役に立つのが嬉しかったですね。このときの体験をもとにして「マドリカ不動産」の仕組みを作りました。


今は新しい技術を追いかけるというよりも、ありふれた技術や身の回りのものを使って思いもよらない遊びを提供していきたいです。例えば「Nintendo Labo」のようなものは挑戦したい内容ですが、難易度の高いセンサーを使ったり、ダンボール自体の経年劣化があるので、私達が挑戦するには難しい内容だと考えています。トイレットペーパーを使う「紙がない!」というゲームは、とても感心しました。技術的にも私達が挑戦できそうですし、どの家庭でもトイレットペーパーを入手できそうなのでサポートも簡単そうですし、何よりも遊んでいる姿が面白いですね!

次回のTGS(東京ゲームショー)で、開発中のゲームが遊べます。よければ遊びに来てください!タイトルは「Mr. エレベーター」です。
