🎤 Interview with kagirohi
2023年 10月 19日
We had the opportunity to speak with kagirohi about working as a solo dev on CALAMITY CREATURES, an action puzzle game that has you clambering over and dismantling enormous mechanical creatures!
English (Translated)
Translated by Renkon

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
Hello! I’m kagirohi, a solo game developer. I don’t stick to any one genre in particular, but I aim to make games that resonate with the people who play them. Since I basically make free games, it would make me very happy if you checked them out!
How did you get started making games?
I started making games when I joined a game development club in university. I was always interested in game development, but when I started programming at the same time as making games, I was completely bewitched by it. Even now that I am a working adult, I continue to make games as a hobby.
Can you tell us about some of your favorite games and genres?
My favorite game is Portal 2. The first time I played it, I was struck by the innovative game system and unconventional story, and this game sparked my interested in game development. As for genres, I like action and puzzle games, and play them often.

Please tell us about CALAMITY CREATURES!
CALAMITY CREATURES is a 2D boss rush action game about a girl with a prosthetic arm facing off against mechanical creatures. The mechanical creatures come in all sizes and forms, so to dismantle them, you will sometimes need to use your head, sometimes fend off immense attacks, all to uncover their weak points. If you want a tough game that feels very satisfying to play, please give this a try.
Can you tell us about the process of making CALAMITY CREATURES? Was it different from the way you approached making your other games?
The biggest difference between working on CALAMITY CREATURES versus other games was that here, the appearance of the enemies has a huge impact on the strategy. Normally I would create an enemy model and then think of its moves, but in this game, the position and size of each of the enemy’s parts can affect the strategy, so I experimented many times with placeholder models before replacing them with the real designs. In many instances, there were problems that I discovered only after replacing them with the real models, so it was quite challenging.

What was your greatest influence when making CALAMITY CREATURES?
Anyone who has played it will probably realize right away, but CALAMITY CREATURES was heavily influenced by Shadow of the Colossus on the PS2. The atmosphere and somewhat heartrending scenes when you defeat the creatures in particular were deliberate references to Shadow of the Colossus. For those who haven’t played it yet, definitely check it out! It’s the kind of game that would be a waste just to watch in Let’s Play videos.
What was the most challenging part of making CALAMITY CREATURES?
This game needs to express showdowns with huge creatures in 2D, so a major challenge was that unlike a 3D game, you can’t move the camera around to get a full view of the enemy. But in the end, I took advantage of that point and centered the story around the idea of, “as you dismantle the enemy, its complete form reveals itself.” I put the most effort into the camera angles, and so although it is subtle, the placement and draw distance of the camera for each scene was deliberate. You might enjoy the game even more if you pay close attention to how the camera moves.

How did you come up with the designs of the mechanical creatures? Did you use anything as a reference?
Basically, I first think about the idea I want to work with in that chapter, and then work backwards to create a design that can fulfill that idea. For example, in chapter one, I wanted to create a scene that was like, “the game starts and immediately, the player, who doesn’t know what’s going on, sees an absurdly large foot appear in front of their eyes.” Then I made a creature design based on that. For the smaller details, I used existing robot anime and games as a reference.
Is there anything you’d like to climb, like a robot or building? (Real or fictional!)
I would like to see and climb huge statues that actually exist, like the Statue of Liberty or The Motherland Calls. I think something that appeals to me about these huge statues is that they have a sense of majesty and beauty, while at the same time surrounded by an indescribable fear and eeriness. I would be happy if I could also express a bit of that in my games as well.

CALAMITY CREATURES is currently out in Early Access. Can you tell us about any future plans you have for its development?
Since I am working on this game by myself, it takes quite a bit of time to create new content. Because of this, I have made it available in Early Access. From now on, I plan to basically add one chapter with each update. Due to work commitments, it is difficult to release updates at a fast pace, but I will do my best to deliver new chapters to everyone as soon as possible!
Is there anything in CALAMITY CREATURES to which you want to draw the player’s attention?
Although the style of the game is a simple boss rush, I made the lore and setting rather complex. I didn’t make the story mode too long because I wanted to keep it concise, but the encyclopedia mode goes over a lot of the worldbuilding that is not discussed in the main story. It covers detailed information like the ecology and habits of the creatures you’ve dismantled, so if you are interested, please take a look at the encyclopedia!

Do you have any indie games that you’d like to shout out? What do you like about them?
I recommend the game Mechstermination Force! It’s a 2D action game where you clamber over a mech and destroy it, so I thought since it had a lot of similarities with my game, it could be a good point of reference. I thought I should check it out, and it turned out to be a very fun game. If anything, it has stronger shooting elements and goes in a different direction from CALAMITY CREATURES. But the mechs that appear as enemies have a wide variety of designs and strategies, so you can enjoy the challenging action.
Can you tell us about other games you worked on in the past?
To tell the truth, I haven’t released many games besides CALAMITY CREATURES, but I did make an action puzzle game called The Kinetic Gear in my student days.
It’s a slightly strange puzzle game where you move forward using a device that can store and release kinetic energy. Looking at it now, there are many unpolished areas, but it was also a work that bolstered my self-confidence since it won an award in a free game contest.

Can you tell us about anything you are currently working on?
I’m mostly continuing to work on CALAMITY CREATURES, but now that things have calmed down a bit after launching on Steam, I think I would like to release some short games as well. I want to make a puzzle game or something that is easy to pick up and play.
Do you have any messages for your players?
The game is still under development, so you can see your feedback get implemented in real time. If you have any impressions or opinions you would like to share, please use the #CalamityCreatures hashtag and I will be sure to take a look!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

一番好きなゲームは「Portal 2」ですね。初めてプレイした時、その斬新なゲームシステムや型破りなストーリーに衝撃を受け、この作品をきっかけにゲーム制作に興味を持つようになりました。ジャンルとしては、アクションゲームやパズルゲームが好きでよくプレイします。

この度の「CALAMITY CREATURES」という作品についてご紹介お願いします。
「CALAMITY CREATURES」は、義手の少女が機械仕掛けの生物「機巧生物」に立ち向かうボスラッシュ形式の2Dアクションゲームです。機巧生物はサイズもフォルムも様々で、彼らを解体するには時に頭を使い、時に激しい攻撃を捌きながら弱点を見つけ出す必要があります。歯ごたえのあるゲームがプレイしたい方にはぜひ遊んでみてほしいです。
「CALAMITY CREATURES」を作るときに、どのようなプロセスで作成しましたか。他のゲームを作るときと何か違いがありますか。

「CALAMITY CREATURES」を作成するにあたり、最も影響を受けたものは何ですか。
「CALAMITY CREATURES」を作成するにあたり最も挑戦したことなどはありますか。


「CALAMITY CREATURES」は、長期のアーリーアクセス版として現在公開しているとのことですが、今後の予定などお答えできる範囲で教えてください。
「CALAMITY CREATURES」において、プレイヤーに伝えたいこだわったポイントなどありますか。

「Mechstermination Force」というゲームがおすすめです!「メカによじ登って破壊する2Dアクション」ということで本作と類似している部分が多く参考になるかと思いプレイしてみたのですが、とても面白いゲームでした。どちらかというとSTGの要素が強く本作とはベクトルが違う作品ですが、敵として登場するメカは見た目・攻略法ともにバリエーション豊富で、歯ごたえのあるアクションを楽しめる作品です。
実は「CALAMITY CREATURES」以外で外部に公開しているゲームはあまりないのですが、学生時代に「The Kinetic Gear」というアクションパズルゲームを作りました。

基本は「CALAMITY CREATURES」をメインに制作を続けていますが、Steam版をリリースして少し落ち着いたので短編ゲームなども出したいと考えています。気軽に遊べるパズルゲームなどを作ってみたいですね。
本作は絶賛開発中なのでいただいたご意見はリアルタイムで反映しています。 プレイの感想やご意見は#CalamityCreaturesをつけて発信していただければ作者が必ず見に行きます!
