🎤 Interview with Satto of Picorinne Soft
2023年 10月 25日
We got the chance to speak with Satto of Picorinne Soft about working on the retro-styled creature collect-a-thon game, Disc Creatures!
English (Translated)
Translated by Renkon

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am Satto of Picorinne Soft. I make creature-raising RPGs. My brother and I work on games together.
How did you get started making games?
When I was a kid, Pokémon was a huge hit on the GameBoy. And collect-a-thon RPGs like Dragon Quest Monsters and Medabots were born. These kinds of games were all the rage, and we used to draw original monsters in our notebooks to show to each other.
With the release of RPG Maker 2000 a few years later, there was an explosion of free games, and I played all kinds. Through it all, I wanted to play an original monster-collecting game. But despite searching all over the place, I could not find many, so I decided to create my own. Well, I say that, but it took quite a long time from when I came up with the idea and when it was actually released.
Can you tell us about some of your favorite games and genres?
The first Monster Rancher (PS) is a game that I like even now, and I still go back and play it every in a while. Once you get used to playing this game, it’s not that hard, but if you play without ever once saving, you can taste the suspense of never knowing when your monsters will die.

Please tell us about Disc Creatures!
Disc Creatures is a creature-raising RPG done in a Super GameBoy style. You can befriend 200 unique creatures. It is an RPG told in episodes where you resolve incidents that were stirred up by humans and creatures alike.
Can you tell us about the process of making Disc Creatures? Was it different from the way you approached making your other games?
The stars of this game are the creatures, so I started with drawing them. Actually, when I started making this game, it didn’t use GameBoy-style graphics. But since I didn’t have much experience making games and had never drawn pixel art, I hastily changed the art style. Because of this, I had to redraw the creature sprites again and again. Once I had prepared a good number of them, I drew the maps, set up the events, made the BGM… I repeated this process until the game was done. It’s a bit embarrassing to say, but I didn’t plan anything in advance, so I mostly went with my gut when making this game.

How did you come up with the different creature designs?
I didn’t do much preparation in this regard either, just came up with simple motifs and images, then thought about the rest while drawing it in pixel art. So it was basically a hit-or-miss way of doing it. I like the Shamans from Super Mario RPG and Gamara from Shiren the Wanderer, and I liked how their designs have two eyes peeking out from a dark void. I might have used that kind of design quite a bit.
What was your greatest influence when making Disc Creatures?
I was hugely influenced by the first generations of Pokémon and Dragon Quest Monsters. And the conversations and interactions were influenced by playful and sardonic games like Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. The way requests are posted on the town bulletin board to be resolved was inspired by the Yokai Post in GeGeGe no Kitaro. It isn’t that humans are bad or creatures are bad; it’s the bad guys who are bad, which is just like how Kitaro approaches humans and yokai.

What was the most challenging part of making Disc Cretures?
It was hard work creating not only the graphics, but also the music, sound effects, and all the other materials by myself. At first, I thought about using royalty-free music, but I realized that I needed to make the main selling point of my game the fact that I had created everything on my own, so I decided to also make the music myself.
It was really fun but also tough collecting all of the creatures. Did you ever collect things when you were a child? Does that experience show up in this game?
When I was a child I loved trading cards, and I still collect them now. However, I don’t use them for competitive play, I only go after the ones I like. Even in Disc Creatures, I don’t expect players to try and complete their collection, and as a result, it is quite tough to catch them all. This is a bit of an aside, but I aim to make it easier to complete your collection in future works.

Is there anything in Disc Creatures to which you want to draw the player’s attention?
I don’t know if players think of this as a good thing, but I purposely did not include an evolution system for creatures. Of course, having an evolution system is now an intrinsic part of the creature-raising genre. But if we had included one, it would be a slippery slope of becoming ever more like Pokémon, so we decided against it. (I did this out of the respect I have for Pokémon.) In future games, I will pause and think, “Has this become expected?” before deciding to implement systems.

What are your favorite three creature designs?
The first one is Drachling (ドラッコ). This creature is a classic chibi dragon, but I added it towards the end of development. There were a lot of odd monsters, so I added Drachling to try and even things out, but I think it turned out pretty good. The second one is Blubzilla (ディブゴーン). It’s a gargantuan kaiju-looking creature. I like these kinds of creatures because they are easy to animate moving around in the game. The third one is Spookmancer (レイマージ). This creature looks like a ghost of a wizard, and is probably the first creature I drew. Though when I first drew it, this creature didn’t have a head, and was just a cloak and gloves.

(in development) Disc Creatures World
When we spoke with RYO last month, we learned that you are both currently working on Disc Creatures World. Can you tell us a little about that, as well as what changes we can expect?
Disc Creatures World will be a remake of Disc Creatures. Well, I say it’s a remake, but the graphics will be completely redesigned, and almost all of the systems have been modified from the previous version. Also, we have significantly increased the number of creatures. Disc Creatures was the kind of game I wanted to create when I was a child, and Disc Creatures World is the kind of game I want to create now.
I thought there was a big change from the GB-style art in Disc Creatures and the GBA-style art of World. I imagine that you had to redraw all of the creatures, which must have been very challenging. Can you tell us how you decided on that?
As I mentioned earlier, I didn’t originally plan to make Disc Creatures with a GameBoy aesthetic. But after completing my first game, my skills had improved quite a bit. And I thought that if we two brothers worked together, we could create a game with a better atmosphere, so I decided to redraw the art to take on a more GBA aesthetic.

I heard that the two of you at Picorinne Soft usually create games separately, so please tell us how you decided to create Disc Creatures World together.
We had been talking about collaborating on something for years. RYO had just finished making a shooting game and said, “I want to make something using pixel art where you go on an adventure like in Digimon World,” and so the two of us started creating it.
Last time we heard from RYO that you are better at video games. Is there any genre in which you cannot be defeated?
I think I’m better at action games with simple controls. However, RYO crushes me at thinky games like card games. (laughs)
Do you have any indie games that you’d like to shout out? What do you like about them?
This is a very popular game, but I recommend Dicey Dungeons. It is a deck-building roguelite using dice. I respect people who can create new games using familiar objects. I also like that the music is stylish and cool. Being able to play this one-handed while chewing on bread is just the best.

Can you tell us about anything you are currently working on?
Disc Creatures was my debut game. I tried to make other games in RPG Maker in the past, but I would always give up partway through.
Do you have any messages for your players?
Thank you so much to everyone who played Disc Creatures. It is thanks to the people who supported us that we are able to keep working on it. We are doing our best to bring you Disc Creatures World, but we don’t have a set release date yet. But I will do everything I can to complete it and deliver it to you.
We look forward to your continued support of the Disc Creatures series!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

私が幼かった頃、ゲームボーイで 「ポケモン」 が大ヒットしました。そして 「ドラゴンクエストモンスターズ」 や「メダロット」といった収集RPGが数多く誕生しました。私の周りでもこういったゲームが大ブームとなり、ノートにオリジナルのモンスターを描いては見せ合ったりしていたものです。


これもあまり下準備はせずに、簡単なモチーフだけイメージができたら後はドット絵を打ちながら考えています。ですので基本的に行き当たりばったりです。「スーパーマリオRPG」 の「スペール」や 「風来のシレン」 の「ガマラ」のような黒い(暗い)所に目だけあるようなデザインが好きなので、そういったデザインが少し多いかもしれません。
「初代ポケモン」や「初代ドラクエモンスターズ」からの影響はものすごく大きいです。また、会話などのやりとりは「スーパーマリオRPG」や 「ペーパーマリオRPG」 のような、ふざけていながら皮肉が効いてるものから影響を受けています。町の掲示板に依頼が書かれて解決に向かう、というのは 「ゲゲゲの鬼太郎」 の妖怪ポストからの影響です。人とクリーチャーのどちらが悪という訳ではなく、悪い奴は悪いというのも鬼太郎の人と妖怪の関係のそれです。




(開発中) ディスクリーチャーズ ワールド
現在、RYOさんと「ディスクリーチャーズ ワールド」を作成なさっていると伺っております。どのような作品か、「ディスクリーチャーズ」との違いについてお答えできる範囲で教えてください。
「ディスクリーチャーズ ワールド」 は「ディスクリーチャーズ」のリメイク作品です。リメイクとはいってもグラフィックは一新し、システムなどもほぼ全て前作から変更されています。また、クリーチャーの種類も大幅に増えています。「ディスクリーチャーズ」は私が子供の頃に作りたかった作品で、「ディスクリーチャーズ ワールド」は今の私が作りたい作品です。
「ディスクリーチャーズ」と「ディスクリーチャーズ ワールド」では、GB風のアートとGBA風のアートの違いがあるように感じました。旧作のアセットをそのまま使わず、新たに描き直しが必要になったかと思いますが、どのような経緯でそういった挑戦を決意なさったか教えていただけませんでしょうか。

普段、ピコリンネソフトのお二人は別々でゲームを作成していると伺っておりましたが、「ディスクリーチャーズ ワールド」をお二人で作成するとなった経緯を教えてください。
有名なゲームですが「Dicey Dungeons」です。サイコロを使うデッキ構築型ローグライトゲームです。身近なものを使って新しいゲームを作ることができる方は尊敬します。音楽がオシャレで格好いいのも良いです。片手でパンをかじりながらプレイできるのも最高に良いです。

「ディスクリーチャーズ」を遊んでくださった皆様、本当にありがとうございます。今、新しい「ディスクリーチャーズ」を制作出来ているのは応援してくださっている方々のお陰です。「ディスクリーチャーズ ワールド」は誠意制作中ですが、まだ詳しいリリース時期はお伝えすることができません。ですが必ず完成させてお届けできるように頑張ります。
