🎤 Interview with Bhaskara
2023年 11月 10日
We got the chance to speak with Bhaskara about their deep love of old-school and frantic FPS games, hosting the How’s Your Game Going? JAM, and of course, what it was like working on the cute and gory HAZAMA_QUEEN!
CW: This article contains graphic depictions of cartoon gore and death.
English (translated)
Translated by Renkon

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
I’m Bhaskara and I make games. My day job has absolutely nothing to do with games, and so I make them as a hobby in my free time. I started game development in around 2017, and so far I’ve released four titles on Steam.
How did you get started making games?
I was planning to study philosophy and literature in graduate school, but due to circumstances beyond my control and my own laziness, I ended up becoming a NEET just after graduating from university. I had some free time, so I decided on a whim to make a game. I had already been playing music for a while, and I was a little confident that I could draw pixel art. I played around with programming in HSP a few times when I was in elementary school, so I thought I could get it working somehow. When I tried it, it worked surprisingly well. About a year after that, I released my first game.
Can you tell us about some of your favorite games and genres?
My favorite genre is single-player FPS, but when it comes to games to which I am emotionally attached, I would have to say that I love Crash Bandicoot 2-3. From the first time I started playing, it was the perfect level of difficulty.

Please tell us about HAZAMA_QUEEN!
HZMQ was the first time I worked on a game outside of my long-running CYNOROID series, and I made it to teach myself how to make an FPS using GameMaker (a 2D game engine). Since I was making it as a practice piece, I made it more entertaining and with more player-friendly content than usual. I think that by letting myself relax and let go, I could work on it with a laid-back and playful attitude.
Can you tell us about the process of making HAZAMA_QUEEN? Was it different from the way you approached making your other games?
As I mentioned, I made this as a practice piece. There was not much difference between my usual process for making other games, but I did try for the first time hiring a voice actor and someone to remix the soundtrack. There was an extremely good synergy between the voice actor I hired and the protagonist. The same was true for the soundtrack, which I commissioned from a DJ who created a house remix that I think made for rich background music.

The graphics in this game are especially striking and leave a strong impression. Was there anything in particular that you focused on in the design?
To tell the truth, I didn’t pay much attention to the graphics. I think it’s because my use of color, animation, and also my general tastes are quite edgy. I translated that into a format that’s easy to play with, and I think that’s what helps it to really stand out.
What was your greatest influence when making HAZAMA_QUEEN?
First of all, I have to say that HAZAMA_QUEEN was made in homage of Post Void. It is a masterpiece indie FPS. But for me, it’s too difficult. I think my main driving force for working on HZMQ was to make a Post Void that even I could clear.
The reason I made the main character a jirai kei girl was because I saw a tweet about them. There is a big difference between the jirai kei style in two-dimensional art on sites like pixiv, and the jirai kei makeup of girls who like it and actually wear around Harajuku and other underground street scenes. I think that was the gist of the tweet.
So that’s how I got interested in jirai kei fashion, and after looking at a lot of models in street photography and online shopping sites, I decided to include a girl with slightly twisted jirai kei makeup in my game. For this reason, even though I use the word YAMI (darkness or sickness), you can see that it is a completely different concept from what you would expect from jirai kei. (ed. note: jirai kei, literally “like a landmine,” is a controversial term that was originally derogatory in nature and meant someone mentally or emotionally unstable.) I consciously worked hard to not express it in that way.

Unlike more recent cover shooters that emphasize searching for hidden vantage points from which to shoot, I feel that HAZAMA_QUEEN and other so-called boomer shooters favor more aggressive play. Why do you prefer this style of play, and can you tell us about the appeal of boomer shooters?
I’m going to talk about boomer shooters with the understanding that they refer to the indie FPS trend that started with DUSK. I guess it refers to the '90s FPS games played by baby “boomers.”
The reason why HZMQ is designed this way is simple. I did not have the technology to make cover shooters, games where players poke their heads out from behind a wall and shoot each other. Since I was working with GameMaker, my games needed to be 2D. I guess someone who is good at programming might be able to do it.
Some games that I recommend playing to understand the appeal of boomer shooters are DUSK, HROT and CULTIC. Some Japanese games are The Citadel, V.R.G., and 特殊ブー隊 (Tactical Pork).
Each has a different feel to them, but their common traits are speedy game progression and thin storylines (although The Citadel has some text).
And I think they are all defined by one experience.
“Fire your gun!”
That’s it.
Fire your gun, make decisions on the fly, and react when bullets hit your body. I think this is the real pleasure of boomer shooters.

The layout of the screen is arranged like a VTuber stream, and the voiced lines were very charming. Was there a particular reason behind making this layout?
It’s because I usually watch videos with the biim system. (ed. note: “biim system” is a kind of video overlay for Let’s Plays and speedrunning videos with explanation text at the bottom of the screen, popularized on Niconico.) I wasn’t actually trying to make it look like a VTuber overlay, that’s just how it turned out.
But isn’t it cute?
What was the most challenging part of making HAZAMA_QUEEN?
Releasing a game starring a cute girl to the masses.
Is there anything in HAZAMA_QUEEN to which you want to draw the player’s attention?
Just like Tetris has a high degree of challenge, HAZAMA_QUEEN has busy and immersive gameplay.
I can’t play Tetris at all, but I think this kind of frantic play with no time to think about anything else is a beautiful way to express the difficulty of a game.

Every year, you host the 進捗どうですかJAM (How’s Your Game Going? JAM) on itch. Can you tell us a little about that, as well as what it’s like to host?
This jam is an event on a Discord server that I personally run.
The server is a special place where creators I know gather and make games together, regardless of genre or scale.
To some extent, we think of each other as family, and our top priority is to set deadlines and create an environment where we can make progress on our games.
If you look at sites like itch, you’ll see that there are jams happening almost every day, but I think it usually takes a lot of courage to suddenly join one and submit something. And I think even if you were to join, it would be difficult to connect with others, build community, or enjoy the festive atmosphere.
That’s why I hold my event, because I want to provide a place where people can regularly report on their progress within a comfortable environment, and everyone can have a sense of purpose when they present their games.
I’ve hosted this event several times, and honestly I didn’t run into any problems. I think everyone should host a jam.

Can you tell us about other games you worked on in the past?
On Steam, I released three cool 2D action games in the CYNOROID series. But to be perfectly honest, when I look back on them now, I feel the usability, game design, and artistry is inferior to HZMQ.
This is a fan-created game, but I was in charge of scenario writing and graphics for V.O.I.C.E. -鉄叫- (tekkyou, metal scream) and recommend it. We made it in twenty days.
It was a collaborative project, and my partner was skilled enough that I could leave all the programming to them. It was a busy but fun production.

(2021) V.O.I.C.E. -鉄叫- (Tekkyou)
Do you have any indie games that you’d like to shout out? What do you like about them?
Of course, I have to talk about FPS. I’ll start with Japanese titles.
The first one I recommend is The Citadel. It has intense depictions of gore, thoughtful controls, and charming characters. I think it has everything you would expect out of a Japanese FPS. Because of this game, I thought it would be okay if I too made something with a so-called “boomer” feeling.
The next one is V.R.G. This is also a well-made game. I think it was made with a custom engine? It stands out with its great controls, speedy game progress, and bright atmosphere. I think it should be more popular.
特殊ブー隊 (Tactical Pork): Personally, I think this should be a paid game in early access, but you can actually play it for free in your browser. It looks like Wolfenstein 3D, but it feels like a game distilled into pure fun. By adding a time limit, the game has a sense of “you must move accurately while carefully searching for cover,” which gives it a sense of high stakes.
As for recent games made overseas, Slayers X is good. If you don’t mind the screen being filled with excrement, please give it a try.
The downside to these is that there is a lot of excrement on the screen, but boomer shooters like CULTIC and Ion Fury made in Build Engine. In other words, FPS games that place emphasis on dense and rich level design, which is rare to see in recent years. But there is a lot of excrement.

Can you tell us about anything you are currently working on?
I’m currently making a pretty respectable boomer shooter that is a lot like Wolfenstein 3D or Gloom. There is a demo version you can play on itch.
I would like to make a game that even those who have never played an old-school FPS will find fun, exhilarating, and appealing.
Do you have any messages for your players?
Thank you for checking out my games! I hope that by playing my game, you will get interested in other FPS.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!



まずはオマージュ元として「Post Void」を上げなくてはいけません。名作インディーFPSです。が、私には難しすぎました。私でもクリア出来る「Post Void」を、というのが大きな原動力かと思います。

ブーマーシューターの魅力について。それらのジャンルの代表的な作品として「DUSK」や「HROT」、「CULTIC」、日本産では「The Citadel」、「V.R.G.」、「特殊ブー隊」などを上げることが出来ます。
それぞれ触り心地は異なりますが、これらに共通する特徴として、「スピーディーなゲーム展開」、「やや薄めのストーリー要素」などを上げることが出来るでしょう(「The Citadel」は少し文字が入りますが)。


数回主催していますが、正直なところ余り問題がなく開催出来ました。 みんな開催すればいいと思います。
二次創作ゲームになりますが、私がシナリオ・グラフィックを担当した。「V.O.I.C.E. -鉄叫-」はオススメです。20日間で作り上げました。
まずは「The Citadel」。強烈なゴア描写と丁寧な操作感、また魅力あるキャラクター。「日本産FPS」として求められるものを殆ど含んでいると思います。この作品があるので、私が所謂ブーマー感のあるゲームをわざわざ作らんでもいいだろと思っています。
「特殊ブー隊」:個人的には有料でアーリーアクセスにしても良いと思いますが、無料でブラウザで遊べます。「Wolfenstein 3D」風の見た目ですが、その面白さをより高純度の抽出したゲームという感触です。時間制限を付けたことにより「慎重にカバーしながらも的確に動かなくてはならない」というゲーム性になっており、それが非常に高品質です。
海外産で最近のものだと「Slayers X」がかなり出来が良かったですね。排泄物が画面内にあふれても大丈夫な方はぜひプレイしてみてください。
画面内に排泄物が多いのがたまにキズですが、「CULTIC」や「Ion Fury」的なBuildエンジン系のブーマーシューター、要はレベルデザインの密度や芳醇さに重きを置いたFPSとしては近年まれにみる遊びやすさです。排泄物が多いですが。

現在はかなり真っ当なブーマーシューターを作っています。「Wolfenstein 3D」、あるいは「Gloom」のような。itchでデモ版が遊べます。
