🎤 Interview with Foxy Boxy Games

2023年 11月 19日
Indie Tsushin 2023 November issueThis article was featured in our 2023 November issue. Check out more articles and interviews in the full issue.

We were delighted to be able to speak with Foxy Boxy Games about working on the retro robot fighting game, ROBO OH! We also got to hear more about their upcoming crossovers and collaborations with uchuzine, including the souped-up sequel, Super ROBO OH!

English Battle victory screen with RINGKING saying to NEKOGAMI, 'I WENT FROM SCRAPS TO RICHES'

(2020) ROBO OH

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.

Hello, I'm Foxy. I'm creating games from my home in Japan. I received my alias from people who played my games. I like karaoke and tasting beers of the world.

How did you get started making games?

I created many text games by the end of high school. I added graphics and sound with Allegro library. The first time using an alias was 10 years ago, but I did not sell products until 3 years ago. Currently, I am developing them with Godot engine.

Can you tell us about some of your favorite games and genres?

Since I am not good at playing games with 3D physics, I basically enjoy 2D games. I ran away from the 3D boom during the late 1990's and played portable games. Isn't there a 2D boom now? I really enjoy it.

Game Description page of the manual within ROBO OH. Picture of all the robots assembled, and text, 'ROBO OH is a tournament style fighting game. Play as a great robot in the tournament to name the new king. Let the battle for the crown begin!'

Please tell us about ROBO OH!

ROBO OH is a robots fighting game. To summarize, it is most similar to Street Fighter 2 and 4. The visual theme is an imitation of Famicom graphics. There are robots with various designs. Generally, it is a simple game that you can play right away. You can clear it in about 30 minutes with the first character.

Can you tell us about the process of making ROBO OH? Was it different from the way you approached making your other games?

Initially, ROBO OH was illustrations from my imagination. If robots like this were a PC game, wouldn't it be a fighting game? I made a rash decision to go ahead with it, because I was not very confident in writing the base code for a fighting game. However, the first prototype was good, and I proceeded with the project. ROBO OH was the first project I made in the Godot engine, so I did not need to translate any previous code. As for previous projects, MASAMI Sushi Ace and ZODIAC DX were migrated and translated from C to GD script of Godot before they were released.

Tournament brackets showing RINGKING having defeated NEKOGAMI and moving to next opponent, SUTEKISS

What was your greatest influence when making ROBO OH?

It was influenced by Street Fighter 2. I adopted the strategy of creating attractive characters that can be enjoyed right away without practice or experience.

How did you come up with the designs for the different robots and stages?

The robots are designed as if to accommodate a human actor inside. So, there are no small joints or architecture that would make it impossible for a human to fit inside. As a resident of Yokohama, it was easy to imagine robots there. The same skyline has appeared in television dramas. Stages were expanded to include different parts of the world.

RINGKING throwing SUTEKISS in a battle. Bottom text reads '2 HIT COMBO!'

When we first played this game, it was very easy for us to pick up, even though I personally am not great at fighting games. What considerations did you have to make for new players?

I think fighting games are so intimidating. There is a fear of getting beat up and embarrassed, even though you really wish to play the game. It is like when a person who wants to play an online RPG, but too many interactions bother them. ROBO OH is for a person like that. Of course, the system is balanced for competitive play, but it is not obvious. This is how I solve such problems.

What was the most challenging part of making ROBO OH?

It is challenging to improve it continually and keep the spirit of a Famicom game. I am hitting the limit now, even if it is imagined to be a high-end cassette. Eventually, ROBO OH will settle to be like the era when Famicom and Super Famicom cassettes were sold side by side.

Adding stat points to RINGKING in between fights. All three allotted points are in POWER.

Is there anything in ROBO OH to which you want to draw the player's attention?

Certain characters represent the quirks of fighting games. MASAMIOH is a comical fighter who is a little weaker than other robots. YUMELODY and SUTEKISS are a palette swap fighter.

When you play ROBO OH, who do you main and what is your general strategy? Do you have any advice for beginners?

A developer can play an under-represented character to demonstrate it. Otherwise, the community would probably like me to choose AUTOFIVE. My strategy is to be successful with simple attacks. A beginner should choose the robot that connects to your spirit. You will be more concerned about the robot winning and defending well.

Stage select screen showing JAPAN METRO, which is shot of Yokohama Minato Mirai

I understand you are currently working on Super ROBO OH. Can you tell us about that? What are the main differences between it and ROBO OH?

Super ROBO OH imagines what ROBO OH would look like if it continued to the Super Famicom. There is the obvious improvement of graphics and sound, and so the production is much bigger. Expansion buttons like X, Y, L, and R can be used to offer simple commands for the Super attack and Dash. Other than fighting, there are plans to develop a world similarly to Gekitou Power Modeller (Power Quest). If you can interact with characters, visit planets, and upgrade your robot, I will be satisfied with the project. Please allow a lot of development time for this game.

MASAMIOH vs UCHUZINE battle start screen

I know that you did some crossover events with UCHU MEGA FIGHT. Can you tell us more about your collaboration with them? Are you interested in collaborating with any other indie fighting games?

Initially, Mr. Uchuzine's game, UCHU MEGA FIGHT, and ROBO OH collaborated based on their similarities, which was quietly sparked by Mr. Kakato of the community. So far, there are four cross characters, two crossed to each game. There are cross BGM and stages as well. Recently, it was decided to focus our collaborative efforts for a new, separate development. We are all living nearby so it is easy to collaborate. Yes, the character MAXCYBER is signaling other robots in the universe. Aliens picked up the signal, somehow. I wonder what will happen later.

Do you have any indie games that you'd like to shout out? What do you like about them?

I would like everyone to try PICO-8 games created by Mr. Owljey. For example, BurgerAge is a tribute to Data East's BurgerTime. The games are attractive and quite convenient to play. I would also like to recommend Digital Basement, weekly live production of Mr. MKL. You can see many indie fighting games and tournaments.

Screenshot of MASAMI Express, a falling-block style puzzle game made in PICO-8 using sushi ingredients

(2023) MASAMI Express

My favorite ROBO OH character was MASAMI OH, and my winning strategy is to throw infinite sushi. I was really happy to visit your site and play MASAMI Express. Can you tell us about that, and any other games you've worked on in the past?

MASAMIOH is a robotic manifestation of a previous project MASAMI Sushi Ace, tribute to Columns. MASAMI Express expands upon the colors and animation, and it is my first attempt to use PICO-8. My other product is ZODIAC DX. I have portrayed characters of a friend's comic as a Famicom action adventure. I think it is probably common for developers to connect their projects in various ways, so MEGASTAR was created for ROBO OH as the robotic manifestation of ZODIAC DX.

Title screen of Zodiac DX

(2021) Zodiac DX

Can you tell us about anything you are currently working on?

A significant update will be delivered for ROBO OH. I will increase the version from 2.22 to 3.0 and apply new covers and graphics. I will install many new illustration works by Mr. No_842 and Ms. CYANSTAR5. I am also collaborating with Mr. Uchuzine to co-develop a new game, ROBO OH vs Uchu Mega Fight. It is a PICO-8 team fighting game that will feature the origin characters. It really pushes the limit of PICO-8. I think that it will be quite a crazy game! Finally, I am developing Super ROBO OH, a direct sequel game that I described. Within that project, I am developing mini-games. I suppose I am busy for a while.

Do you have any messages for your players?

ROBO OH was a small product, but it expanded by the life energy of players and organizers. Because of that, I can say that ROBO OH is probably my identity. Thank you.

MASAMIOH holding up a huge sushi as a victory pose. UCHUZINE is knocked out on the ground nearby. Bottom text reads '1P WINS!'

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!



Battle victory screen with RINGKING saying to NEKOGAMI, 'I WENT FROM SCRAPS TO RICHES'

(2020) ROBO OH







Game Description page of the manual within ROBO OH. Picture of all the robots assembled, and text, 'ROBO OH is a tournament style fighting game. Play as a great robot in the tournament to name the new king. Let the battle for the crown begin!'

この度の「ROBO OH」という作品についてご紹介お願いします。

**「ROBO OH」**はロボット格闘ゲームで、要約すると「ストリートファイター2と4」に最も似ています。ビジュアルテーマはファミコンを模倣しており、さまざまな姿をしたロボットが登場します。基本的にはすぐに遊べるシンプルなゲームです。最初のキャラで30分くらいでクリアできます。

「ROBO OH」を作る時に、どのようなプロセスで作成しましたか。ほかのゲームを作る時と何か違いがありますか。

「ROBO OH」は私の想像の中のイラストが最初でした。このロボットがもしPCゲームだとしたら、格闘ゲームになるのではないか、と思いました。格闘ゲームの基礎的なコードを書く自信がなかったので、この決断はせっかちでした。ただ、最初のプロトタイプが好感触だったので、プロジェクトをそのまま進めました。「ROBO OH」はGodotエンジンを使った初めてのプロジェクトだったので、これまでのコードを変換する必要はありませんでした。これまでのプロジェクトとしては「MASAMI Sushi Ace」「ZODIAC DX」をC言語からGDscriptに移行してリリースしました。

Tournament brackets showing RINGKING having defeated NEKOGAMI and moving to next opponent, SUTEKISS

「ROBO OH」を作成するにあたり、最も影響を受けたものは何ですか。




RINGKING throwing SUTEKISS in a battle. Bottom text reads '2 HIT COMBO!'


私が思うに格闘ゲームはとても怖いと考えます。ゲームをただ本当にプレイしたいのに、やっつけられたり恥ずかしい思いをしたりという恐怖です。オンラインRPGをプレイしているときにインタラクションが多すぎてめんどくさいという人もいます。「ROBO OH」はそういう人のためのゲームです。もちろん、競い合ったりするシステムを導入してはいますが、それはそこまで表立ったものではありません。そういった悩みをこういったことを意識して解決しています。

「ROBO OH」を作成するにあたり最も挑戦したことなどはありますか。

ファミコンの精神を守りながらの継続的な改良はとても大変です。ハイエンドのファミコンカセットを想定したとしても、限界に達したと思っています。結局、「ROBO OH」は、ファミコンとスーパーファミコンのカセットが同時に並べられていた時代の性能に落ち着くと思います。

Adding stat points to RINGKING in between fights. All three allotted points are in POWER.

「ROBO OH」でプレイヤーに注目してほしいところはありますか。




Stage select screen showing JAPAN METRO, which is shot of Yokohama Minato Mirai

現在「Super ROBO OH」を作成していると伺っております。これについて教えていただけませんでしょうか。また、今作との主な違いについても教えてください。

**「Super ROBO OH」**は「ROBO OH」がスーパーファミコンに進化したものと想定しています。フラフィックスもサウンドが明らかに進化しており、作品はより大規模なものになっています。X、Y、L、Rなどのボタンも使用して、スーパーアタックやダッシュの簡単なコマンドが入力できます。戦闘以外にも「激闘パワーモデラー」のような世界を展開する予定です。キャラクターと会話したり、惑星に行ったり、ロボットのアップグレードができたりできればこのプロジェクトに満足がいくでしょう。このプロジェクトにたくさんの時間をいただいていることをご理解ください。

MASAMIOH vs UCHUZINE battle start screen

「UCHU MEGA FIGHT」とのクロスオーバーイベントもいくつかやったそうですね。コラボレーションについて詳しく教えていただけますか。他のインディーズ格闘ゲームとのコラボレーションに興味はありますか。

当初はUchuzine氏のゲーム「UCHU MEGA FIGHT」と「ROBO OH」が類似点からコラボしたのが、コミュニティのKakato氏によって静かに火がつきました。これまでのところ、クロスキャラクターは4人、つまり各ゲームに2人ずつがクロスしています。BGMやステージもクロスオーバーしています。最近、新たな個別の開発に向けて共同作業に注力することが決定されました。みんな近くに住んでいるので、協力しやすいです。そう、MAXCYBERというキャラクターが宇宙の他のロボットに信号を送っているのです。エイリアンはどういうわけか信号を受信しました。この後どうなるのかな。


Owljey氏が作成したPICO-8ゲームをぜひ皆さんにもプレイしてもらいたいです。たとえば、「BurgerAge」はData Eastの「BurgerTime」へのオマージュです。ゲームはとても魅力的で、プレイしやすいです。MKL氏の毎週のライブ制作であるDigital Basementもお勧めしたいです。多くのインディー格闘ゲームやトーナメントが見られます。

Screenshot of MASAMI Express, a falling-block style puzzle game made in PICO-8 using sushi ingredients

(2023) MASAMI Express

私の好きなキャラクターはMASAMIOHで、私の必勝法は寿司を無限に投げることです。あなたのサイトにアクセスして「MASAMI Express」をプレイすることができて本当にうれしかったです。そのゲームについて、そして過去に取り組んだ他のゲームについて教えていただけますか。

MASAMIOHは、コラムスへのオマージュである以前のプロジェクト「MASAMI Sushi Ace」をロボット化したものです。「MASAMI Express」は色とアニメーションを拡張しており、PICO-8を使用した初めての作品です。 私のもう一つの作品は「ZODIAC DX」です。友人の漫画の登場人物をファミコン風のアクションアドベンチャーとして描きました。おそらく開発者がプロジェクトをさまざまな方法でつなげていくのは一般的だと思いますが、MEGASTARは「ZODIAC DX」のロボットの具現化として「ROBO OH」のために作成されました。

Title screen of Zodiac DX

(2021) Zodiac DX


「ROBO OH」で大型アップデートを配信します。バージョンを2.22から3.0に上げ、新しいカバーとグラフィックを適用します。No_842さんCYANSTAR5さんの新作イラスト作品を多数設置します。また、Uchuzineさんとは新作ゲーム「ROBO OH vs Uchu Mega Fight」を共同開発しています。それぞれのキャラクターたちが登場するPICO-8チーム対戦ゲームです。それは本当にPICO-8の限界を押し広げます。かなりクレイジーなゲームになると思います。最後に、私は先ほど説明した直接の続編ゲームである「Super ROBO OH」を開発中です。そのプロジェクト内でミニゲームを開発しています。しばらくは忙しいと思います。


「ROBO OH」は小さなゲームでしたが、プレイヤーやイベント主催者の方々のエネルギーによってどんどん大きくなっていきました。だから、「ROBO OH」は私のアイデンティティなのかもしれません。本当にありがとうございます。

MASAMIOH holding up a huge sushi as a victory pose. UCHUZINE is knocked out on the ground nearby. Bottom text reads '1P WINS!'


Foxy Boxy GamesVisit Foxy Boxy Games' homepage for more information about their other works, and for more updates on the upcoming Super ROBO OH.