🎤 Interview with Takao
2024年 4月 28日![Indie Tsushin 2024 March-April issue](../images/202403-04issue.png)
We had a chance to talk with Takao of TubezGamez about working on the bombastic kei truck action game, DriveCrazy!
English (translated)
Translated by Renkon
![Shiny gray alien holding a large red button in one hand and pushing it with the other](../images/tubezgamez-drivecrazy-09.png)
(in development) DriveCrazy
Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
I (or rather TubezGamez) am a developer who makes games that are deceptive. (What kind of games I make changes slightly each time I am asked. I don’t know how else to say it.)
TubezGamez is not a team but rather just me, so I make almost everything myself.
How did you get started making games?
I don’t really remember. Before I realized it, I had made a game.
Can you tell us about some of your favorite games and genres?
My favorite game is The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. As for my favorite genre, I like action games in third-person perspective with melee combat.
![Kei truck driving sideways along a row of buildings](../images/tubezgamez-drivecrazy-10.png)
Please tell us about DriveCrazy!
You’re competing in a rally competition with your kei truck when aliens attack! Use your brilliant driving techniques to get through their assault! That kind of game.
Can you tell us about the process of making DriveCrazy? Was it different from the way you approached making your other games?
When planning the game:
- Come up with ideas of things that would be fun to make into a game.
- Take notes on how to play the game, what the controls are like, and any other games I can use as a reference.
- If it looks like it could be a game and would be fun, move on to the next stage.
In the initial stages:
- Create a prototype.
- If it’s not interesting, keep reworking it as long as it doesn’t stray too far from the original concept.
- If I go, “This is fun!” then I create a stage that takes about two minutes to complete.
At the current phase:
- Think about what kinds of Japanese scenery I want to use.
- Think of a course that would be fun to set there.
- Think of enemies that would be fun to fight.
- Use Unreal Engine to create the stages as if I were working on 3D CG models.
- While creating the stages, implement the enemies.
That’s how I’ve been working on it.
What makes DriveCrazy different from other games I’ve made is that I created an auto-generator to make the courses. The stages in DriveCrazy are quite large, so I thought it would be difficult to create them manually.
![An enormous shadowy bear with glowing red eyes crouching down. Co-pilot shouts, 'What is that!'](../images/tubezgamez-drivecrazy-11.png)
What was your greatest influence when making DriveCrazy?
The action movie The Fast and the Furious.
Normally we don’t think of kei trucks as being very fast, but the one in DriveCrazy is sure is. What made you choose to star a kei truck?
Since it’s set in Japan, I chose a vehicle that embodies Japan.
What was the most challenging part of making DriveCrazy?
It was creating a system where you are constantly driving while fighting enemies. Because I couldn’t find any games that I could really use as a reference, it was difficult to come up with ideas.
![Two shiny gray aliens knocked out on the floor, both muttering, 'I'm fine.'](../images/tubezgamez-drivecrazy-12.png)
I was enjoying DriveCrazy as a regular driving game, but I was tickled when the aliens showed up. What made you come up with the story?
I wanted to contrast the switch from the ordinary to the extraordinary, so I decided on this plotline. The setting requires all the people in the world to have disappeared and for the player to be attacked with missiles, so in order for the story to make sense, I had aliens show up.
I understand that DriveCrazy is currently in Early Access. Can you tell us about your future plans for the game?
I plan to add more stages and continue the story. As of the current release, I am about halfway through the full storyline.
Is there anything in DriveCrazy to which you want to draw the player’s attention?
In order to make it more satisfying to take on enemies, I made a lot of minor tweaks to their movement. I am still making more adjustments, but I am glad that players are enjoying it.
![The kaiju bear shooting lasers out of its eyes as the kei truck drives towards it](../images/tubezgamez-drivecrazy-15.png)
Do you yourself drive? Do you enjoy driving?
I ride a bicycle, but I don’t drive a car. But I do like to drive in games.
Do you have any indie games that you’d like to shout out? What do you like about them?
I recommend Celeste. No matter how many times I die, it always makes me think, “I’ll get it next time!” I also recommend it for its character movement and level design.
![A glowing pink vacuum cleaner pursuing the kei truck](../images/tubezgamez-drivecrazy-14.png)
Can you tell us about other games you worked on in the past?
グレイマンすくい (Grayman Scooping): There is a tank full of Grayman (Unreal Engine test character) and you need to scoop as many of them as possible! That kind of game.
Drunk Crush: It’s a game where you drink alcohol by carefully bringing it to your mouth.
Can you tell us about anything you are currently working on?
You already know about DriveCrazy, so I’ll talk about a game that I still don’t know if I’ll make, and which is in the planning stages. It’s “a game that you can’t deny is a horror game.”
![Kei truck suspended in midair after driving off a cliff and into a rice field below](../images/tubezgamez-drivecrazy-13.png)
Do you have any messages for your players?
Thank you so much for playing DriveCrazy!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!
![Shiny gray alien holding a large red button in one hand and pushing it with the other](../images/tubezgamez-drivecrazy-09.png)
(開発中) DriveCrazy
好きなゲームは、「ゼルダの伝説ムジュラの仮面」 です。ジャンルなら、三人称視点の近接戦闘がメインのアクションゲームです。
![Kei truck driving sideways along a row of buildings](../images/tubezgamez-drivecrazy-10.png)
軽トラックでラリー競技をする大会に出場していたら宇宙人が襲ってきた! 華麗な運転テクニックで切り抜けろ!というゲームです。
- ゲームにしたら楽しそうなことを思いつく
- ゲームの遊び方や操作方法、参考になりそうな作品をメモに書く
- ゲームになりそうで、楽しそうだったら次の段階へ
- プロトタイプを作る
- それが面白くなかったらコンセプトから外れない範囲で作り直す
- 「これなら面白い!」となったら2分ぐらいで終わるステージを一つ作る
- 走りたい日本の景色を考える
- その次に楽しく走れそうなコースを考える
- 戦っていて楽しそうな敵を考える
- Unreal Engineで3DCGモデリングをするようにステージを作る
- ステージを作るのと同時に敵の実装
![An enormous shadowy bear with glowing red eyes crouching down. Co-pilot shouts, 'What is that!'](../images/tubezgamez-drivecrazy-11.png)
![Two shiny gray aliens knocked out on the floor, both muttering, 'I'm fine.'](../images/tubezgamez-drivecrazy-12.png)
![The kaiju bear shooting lasers out of its eyes as the kei truck drives towards it](../images/tubezgamez-drivecrazy-15.png)
![A glowing pink vacuum cleaner pursuing the kei truck](../images/tubezgamez-drivecrazy-14.png)
「グレイマンすくい」:水槽でグレイマン(Unreal Engineのテスト用キャラクター)が泳いでいるので、多くのグレイマンをすくいましょう!というゲームです。
「Drunk Crush」:酒を上手く口に運んで飲みまくるゲームです。
![Kei truck suspended in midair after driving off a cliff and into a rice field below](../images/tubezgamez-drivecrazy-13.png)