🎤 Interview with Tosa Laboratory
2024年 6月 29日
We spoke with Tosa Laboratory, the solo developer and major Touhou Project fan behind upcoming action platformer Rumia Throws!
English (translated)
Translated by Renkon

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Tosa, and I am a fan of Touhou Project. I usually play and make games, but I also travel on occasion. By the way, my favorite Touhou character is Aki Minoriko.
How did you get started making games?
When I was a student, I found a tool to make action games, and playing around with it was how I got started making games.
Can you tell us about some of your favorite games and genres?
My favorite genre is action games, especially Metroidvania-style of games. I like so many games that it’s hard to think of just one, but since the Kirby series is one that I have a deep respect for, I’d have to say that Kirby is my favorite.

(in development) Rumia Throws!
Please tell us about Rumia Throws!
With an empty stomach and unable to use her danmaku abilities, Rumia uses objects dropped around the level as weapons to throw at enemies, defeating them and attaining meat! It’s a throwing action game!
In Rumia Throws! and in your previous games, you’ve used characters from Touhou Project. Can you tell us what appeals about Touhou Project appeals to you, and how you have incorporated that into your own games?
Touhou Project has a wealth of unique characters, characteristic music that you can’t find anywhere else, and setting are incredibly charming. And above all, creators who like Touhou appreciate that it is so open to fan-made works. I am not very good at coming up with my own scenarios or settings, so I used Touhou as my stage when I started creating games.

Can you tell us about the process of making Rumia Throws? Was it different from the way you approached making your other games?
After creating the character’s movements, I tried to create the foundation for the behaviors and statuses of the boxes to match the game concept.
I was so impressed with how many stages there were, and the variety of puzzle elements present in each stage. How did you come up with stages? Did you just suddenly think of them?
I planned some stages, some just came to me, and I made some stages by doodling. (laughs)

What was your greatest influence when making Rumia Throws?
A free game called スライムは投げる (Slime Throw) that is so old that I don’t know if there are any PCs that can run it anymore.
What was the most challenging part of making Rumia Throws?
Up to this point I’d been using a different game development tool, but since I switched to GameMaker, I had to start making all of the map tiles myself. Also, compared to my previous works, more Touhou characters make an appearance.

In Rumia Throws, there were a lot of ways to interact with objects, such as by hitting or tossing them, and you can even ride on them. And there was quite a bit of variety in objects and their interactions. Which was your favorite gimmick to make?
The metal washbasin in the demo, I can’t get enough of that exhilarating gag-like effect when it hits. Also you can’t see this in the demo, but there is also a remote-controlled rock weapon. After you throw the rock, you can use the arrow keys to change its direction. Getting headshots with it is easy, but Rumia moves along with the rock, so it is surprisingly difficult to control. (laughs)
Is there anything in Rumia Throws to which you want to draw the player’s attention?
I put a lot of focus on the controls, and making the screen easy to read and making things convenient. I put a lot of thought into making sure the player does not get stressed out.
And also, making Rumia cute.

がんばりみのりこ (Ganbari Minoriko)
Do you have any indie games that you’d like to shout out? What do you like about them?
Cuphead and the Shantae series. The controls are so easy to use that they have become like textbooks on action game design, in my opinion.
Celeste. No matter how many times you die, it has such superb game balance that you can’t resist trying again.
Can you tell us about other games you worked on in the past?
I previously made a game called がんばりみのりこ (Ganbari Minoriko), which is an action RPG starring Aki Minoriko. This is a free game so there are some rough spots that stand out, but it was fairly well-received. So if you thought Rumia Throws was fun, I hope you will play Ganbari Minoriko as well.

Can you tell us about anything you are currently working on?
Since I work alone, I am focusing on Rumia Throws! But after that is finished, I want to remake Ganbari Minoriko using GameMaker, which is the engine I’m using now.
Do you have any messages for your players?
My game development circle is small because there is currently only one member, but my dream is to eventually grow bigger by making more fun games, so please look forward to that.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


(開発中) なげるーみあ!





