🎤 Interview with Rukaka
2024年 8月 05日
We spoke with Rukaka of Frequen Modulation, the doujin circle behind the Magic Story series! We talk about its Madou Monogatari inspirations, working with SmileBASIC’s Puchikon, and then with Hot Soup Processor for the in-development Magic Story 2!
English (translated)
Translated by Renkon

(in development) Magic Story 2
Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am Rukaka of the doujin circle Frequen Modulation. I mainly do game development, and also help out with things like creating merchandise.
How did you get started making games?
Let me see… I think it was when I was in junior high school that I first got interested in programming. When I was in high school, I knew I wanted to make some kind of game, but since I didn’t really know how to do that, I tried a lot of different things. After some time passed, I decided that I wanted to do this as a hobby, and so started creating original RPGs.
Can you tell us about some of your favorite games and genres?
My favorite genre is RPGs! I’m not good at games with super complicated systems and stories, but I love the feeling of going on adventures to different places. There are so many games I like that it is impossible to choose only one!

Please tell us about Magic Story 2!
Magic Story 2 is a 3D dungeon RPG with many cute and unique characters. It features a party switching mechanic to allow the player to switch between two sets of characters to explore and solve puzzles. Character stats and other information are represented through the graphics and dialogue rather than with numbers. The battles are very intuitive and enjoyable! The game has been balanced to allow for any type of player, so even those unfamiliar with RPGs can enjoy it!
Could you tell us a bit about the first Magic Story? Is playing it necessary to understanding the sequel?
Magic Story can be played with Puchikon 3 (ed. note SmileBASIC in English), or with Puchikon BIG. Puchikon 3 was software aimed at the Nintendo 3DS. Puchikon BIG is software for the Wii U. Unfortunately, neither are available any longer due to Nintendo ending their online service for those systems, but some people have ported Magic Story to Puchikon 4. Puchikon 4 is software for the Nintendo Switch. You can download the demo version for free, and the demo version should be enough if you just want to play Magic Story!
The characters from the first game will appear in Magic Story 2, but we have made it so that even if you haven’t played it, you won’t have problems with the sequel.

Can you tell us about the process of making Magic Story 2? Was it different from the way you approached making your other games?
- We identified the problems we had with our previous game and what we wanted to improve.
- We began to consider platforms and development tools. We selected Hot Soup Processor because it had a similar feel to Puchikon and was easy to work with, and because we could develop a 3D dungeon with simplified 3D expressions.
- After this, we decided on the overall flow of the project.
- What should the story be like, and how to create the overall flow from the introduction to the ending.
- How to express 3D and 2D illustrations (such as how many portraits we needed for each character, and how they should be drawn)
- Screen layout
- Whether we should we have voice acting, and for which scenes
- How should we handle the BGM and sound effects?
- We determined whether this project was feasible or not. In particular, it took about a year working on the illustrations, and preparing the equipment and so forth also took a lot of time…
- We believed that we could definitely do it as long as we put in the time, so we kept working on it wholeheartedly. At the beginning of development, I kept a strict schedule and stuck to it, but now I can only keep a rough schedule because I have far more to do than I expected…
And that’s how it’s been going. I don’t know any other way to make games, and I don’t know how other people do it because I develop games in my own way. So I don’t know if there are any differences to the way others work.

What was your greatest influence when making Magic Story 2?
You have probably already realized this, but I love and was greatly influenced by Compile’s Madou Monogatari.
What was the most challenging part of making Magic Story 2?
Almost everything was a challenge! But I guess that doesn’t answer your question… I like programming so I was able to manage that part, but the illustrations took a long time. It was also my first time working with digital illustrations. Also, because it has been in development for so long, there were times when I had to redraw illustrations that I had drawn in the past because they didn’t look very good. I guess the next most challenging part was hiring voice actors. In the beginning, I really did not know what I was doing, and actually the voice actors ended up having to teach me.
Is there anything in Magic Story 2 to which you want to draw the player’s attention?
Something I kept in mind was to always prepare new tricks so the player would never get bored, and so created the dungeon like an amusement park.

I enjoyed the way damage and status effects in Magic Story 2 are not expressed with numbers, but by the characters’ facial expressions and descriptions of the enemy’s condition each turn. Could you tell us why you designed it this way?
As I mentioned earlier, it was heavily infleunced by Compile’s Madou Monogatari. In Madou Monogatari, the state of the player characters are represented with dialogue and illustrations. We used this as a reference, but designed the game to be split between two separate parties.
In Magic Story 2, multiple player characters are placed on the map, and it was like a puzzle trying to figure out how to advance through the level. How did you think of these gimmicks?
We had a theme for each floor and developed traps and scenarios accordingly. When we started to work on the floors, we broke them down into smaller pieces to work on… To be honest, this is where we ran into the most trouble. We were always running out of ideas, but we somehow managed to squeeze out and develop the ones we did have.

Can you tell us about Hot Soup Processor, the game engine that you used to make Magic Story 2?
It has been around for over 20 years. I think it is very easy to understand, and would be a good option for an amateur game creator such as myself.
How long have you been working on Magic Story 2? Can you tell us about any of your future plans?
We have been developing this project since 2018 January. More than six years ago… As of 2024 June, we are in the second half of our development. Now it just depends on how much time we can work on it.
Do you have any messages for your players?
Magic Story 2 is currently in development. A demo version is available now, so please try it out!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

(開発中) まじっくすと~り~2

「まじっくすと~り~」はプチコン3号、若しくはプチコンBIGで遊ぶことが出来ます。プチコン3号はニンテンドー3DS向けに配信されているソフトウェアです。プチコンBIGはWiiU向けに配信されているソフトウェアです。残念ながら、任天堂のネットサービス終了により現在入手は出来なくなってしまいましたが「まじっくすと~り~」をプチコン4向けに移植された方がいらっしゃいます。プチコン4はNintendo Switch向けソフトウェアです。体験版なら無料でダウンロードできますし、「まじっくすと~り~」をあそぶだけなら体験版で充分なハズです!

- 前作で問題になったこと、改善したいことを洗い出しました。
- プラットフォーム、開発ツールを検討していきました。Hot Soup Processorであればプチコンと感覚が似ていて導入しやすかったこと簡易的な3D表現が可能なので、3DダンジョンRPGの開発が出来る事この点からHot Soup Processorを採用。
- ここから、全体的な流れを決めました。
- ストーリーはどんな感じにするか、導入~エンディングまでのザックリした流れ
- 3D表現、2Dイラストはどうするか(キャラクターを何頭身で描くか、塗りの表現)
- 画面レイアウト
- ボイスはありにするか、どのシーンでボイスを使うか。
- BGMやSEはどうしていくか?
- 実現可能かどうかの見極めをしていきました。特にイラストに関しては、一年くらいかけて練習、機材準備など時間かけてやりましたね…。
- 時間さえかければ必ず出来ると確信がとれたので、ひたすら開発をしていく。開発当初はある程度計画スケジュールをたててやっていましたが、想定の何倍もやる事が多く今はざっくりした計画しかたてていません…。



「まじっくすと~り~2」は、Hot Soup Processorで製作されていますが、このゲームエンジンについて教えていただけませんでしょうか。
