🎤 Interview with samesamekun
2024年 8月 31日
We were delighted to speak with samesamekun of SameSameSummation, the group behind the charming and mysterious card-battling roguelike counting down the final days before high school graduation, Toroidal: Awaiting the Spring!
English (translated)
Translated by Renkon

(2023) 春待ちトロイダル (Toroidal: Awaiting the Spring)
Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is samesamekun and I run a circle called SameSameSummation. I am a working adult and create games in my free time!
How did you get started making games?
Since I was a kid, I’ve loved games and played a lot of them. When I became a working adult, I had more spare time and mentally was mature enough to stick with a project, so I thought, wouldn’t it be nice if I could make something? I called up some friends and started making games.

Can you tell us about some of your favorite games and genres?
My favorite is the Power Pro Kun Pocket series. I still have all the games on hand in playable condition!
What are some of your favorite mysteries?
I love the Ace Attorney series! Actually, I’m personally not very familiar with mysteries, so I asked my co-creator Mainiko to come up with the mystery twist to the story.

Please tell us about Toroidal: Awaiting the Spring!
It is a card battling game (with some roguelike elements) in the style of a school life simulation. This game has way too many elements to describe in only a few words… (laughs)
The main character is suddenly brought to a remote island. In this high school, time loops back around after ten days, and the protagonist must use “dialogue” as a weapon in order to solve the mysteries of the island and escape from his high school life…
Using the card battling system with a “dialogue” motif, I hope that players can enjoy their everyday life with their classmates.
Can you tell us about the process of making Toroidal?
This was our first time making an indie game so I don’t know what the process is like normally, but I think the way we did it was fairly straightforward. First we wrote a proposal, then we wrote out the necessary tasks, and then we assigned them to each member… something like that.
I have to say that even though it was an independent production, this time we were very aware of the deadline. All of the members working on this are working adults with other jobs, so we had to consider the scope of the game’s content in relation to the overall progress of the project so that they would not get burned out after a long period of development. We always kept in mind that our number one goal was to complete the game.

What was your greatest influence when making Toroidal?
The biggest influence was the structure of the Power Pro Kun Pocket series. As for the roguelike part, we were inspired by Little Noah: Scion of Paradise. I am easily influenced by anime, so parts of the scenario might have been unintentionally affected by the unfolding development of JoJo Part 6, which I had been watching at the time of production. (laughs)
What was the most challenging part of making Toroidal?
We didn’t have any experience of working on a single game to completion, so that was the most important thing. The thing I was most concerned about was properly releasing the game, even if it wasn’t perfect.

I found the characters fascinating and enjoyed deepening our relationships through repeated conversations. Were any of these characters modeled after anyone? To which character do you feel the closest?
BF-san provided the original character designs, and I think they turned out to be very appealing. I didn’t have any specific models in mind for the characters, but I worked with BF-san on the base drafts by saying things like, “The character should be like this,” and over many iterations managed to settle on a final design.
I wrote most of the dialogue, and when writing their lines, I tried to match each character with the persona I had in mind.
The character who is closest to myself… I guess I would have to say the main character. (laughs) I think my personality peeks through (or pours through) in the way the protagonist talks and responds to others. (laughs)

I really enjoyed looping back to pick up on threads that I missed in previous runs, and feeling like I was getting a little closer to the truth. Can you tell us how you came up with this system?
The idea came when I thought that combining a text-based adventure game with roguelike elements might work unexpectedly well. Text-based adventure games basically guarantee a certain amount of randomness and different outcomes with each run, so I thought it would be a good match. I thought that looping through multiple playthroughs would work if there was an overarching mystery flowing through the main story, and thus the base game was born.
While the main story is a mystery, I thought the conversational techniques created through deck-building were refreshing and quite charming. Can you tell us about anything in particular you want players to notice about these conversations?
I have always loved and been deeply interested in the act of conversing, so the idea of turning conversation into a gameplay mechanic came to me quite easily.
I remember it was a lot of fun deciding the personalities of each character while composing their dialogue!

If you were stuck in a loop in the ten days leading to graduation, is there anything that you would like to do?
The ten days right before graduation is truly a time of freedom, or rather, it feels like a time when you are finally free from all obligations! I remember I was so happy after my exams were finally over. (laughs)
So if it were me, I think I would take it easy and just try to enjoy it to the fullest. (laughs)
Is there anything in Toroidal to which you want to draw the player’s attention?
We worked hard to create lots of events! We hope you can see all the different aspects of each character.
The character design, UI, stills, etc were made by Devneko, #hateno, and Yuyu, and are all super high quality, so I would especially like to highlight those for players to check out!

Do you have any indie games that you’d like to shout out? What do you like about them?
It’s a bit old, but I liked YumeCore. I was really impressed that a side-scrolling beat 'em up could be so fun…! (I’m sorry, I don’t know a better word.) I have high expectations for takayakata-san’s latest game, ADEN!
Can you tell us about anything you are currently working on?
I’m currently working on a dating simulation game. I hope to be able to release it by the end of the year, but it’s looking dicey. I’ll do my best!

Do you have any messages for your players?
Thank you for your interest in Toroidal: Awaiting the Spring. We hope everyone is enjoying the game even just a little. And we are continuing to work hard to create fun games, so I hope you will continue to support us! Thank you so much!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

(2023) 春待ちトロイダル



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