🎤 Interview with sewohayami

2023年 1月 23日
Indie Tsushin 2023 January issueThis article was featured in our 2023 January issue. Check out more articles and interviews in the full issue.

sewohayami was kind enough to speak with us about their experience making games, including 100animalease!

English (translated)

Translated by Renkon

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.

I am a Japanese indie game developer. I work as a UI/UX designer for smartphone and PC games. Before that, I worked as a line engineer for home appliances, product design for auto parts, graphic design for advertising, and more. I gained experience from working in a variety of fields, and am a designer and programmer. I can take on almost any kind of job, so people often rely on me.

Title screen for SEKISAI

(2023) SEKISAI

How did you get started making games?

In 2020, the company I was at lost a lot of work due to the effects of COVID-19. Because of that, I had the time and opportunity to study programming and work on my puzzle-action game SEKISAI. When I was a kid, I would draw mazes and board games in my notebook and play them with my friends. Now that I think about it, I’ve been making games for as long as I can remember.

What does your general game-making process look like?

Before I write up the plans for my game, I make a mock-up of and plan from there. No matter how much I plan out the game in my mind, after playing with the mock-up, many things arise that are different from what I imagined. Thinking about the world view and story comes later.

Can you tell us about some of your favorite games or genres?

It’s hard to decide which one is my favorite, but the 2000 Sega Dreamcast release ROOMMANIA #203 still stands out in my mind. Others include The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, Mother 2, Mother 3, moon, GiFTPiA, and Chibi Robo. I think the kinds of games and genres I tend to like have unique characters and are action-adventure.

Title screen for 100animalease

(2022) 100animalease

Please tell us about 100animalease.

Make friends with 100 animals and borrow their strength to help you escape the mysterious facility in this action-adventure game. All of the animals are unique and have their own problems or requests that you need to help with before they will join you. After they join you, the animals will follow you around in a long line. It is very cute and funny, and you can see that in the trailer.

The standout feature of this game is that it was made in a short period of time. I wanted to use the theme of 100 and so made the Twitter hashtag, #MakeAnRPGIn100Days, and started making the game from scratch and reported on my progress every day. I had someone make the sound effects for me, but otherwise I did everything by myself.

Screenshot from 100animalease with three test tubes in the foreground, filled with red, blue, and green liquid. In the background is the party and a panda sitting in a laboratory.

Can you tell us about your 100 Days Project? How did you come up with it? What was it like to actually work on it? Do you think you want to try something like that again?

I think most indie game developers often worry about how to promote their game effectively, and so I also tried to approach this problem and think about the most efficient way of reaching customers. There was a trend on Twitter to create hashtags like #DoSomethingIn100Days, and so I thought that I could use this as a way of generating buzz for my game.

In reality, this hashtag didn’t create as much buzz as I thought. Day after day, impressions and views dropped off of my tweet updates. One reason why this happened might be because the “100 Days From Now” hashtag boom was fading, and the bulk of my updates towards the end were about debugging the game with a lot of identical-looking screenshots. A lot of people using these kinds of hashtags were making manga, so they had exciting pages building towards a climax over the hundred days. In contrast, game development does not unfold that way.

I was under a lot of pressure to release a game after one hundred days, so I never want to do that again. (laughs) But I think I was able to make a polished game while working under this limitation. I have many ideas that I want to turn into real games, so I will probably continue making games in short time frames.

Screenshot from 100animalease with the protagonist catching fruit in a box that she is holding over her head. Apples and other fruit are falling from the trees above.

What was your greatest influence when making 100animalease?

I was influenced by Mother 2 to make the protagonist able to move in eight directions. When that game first released, I remember it was groundbreaking to have an RPG where the character can move diagonally. In 100animalease, the animals following you can only move in four directions. This is just like in Mother 2 where party members (like Tony, who joins you momentarily) move that way.

The setting and the way it is very easy to get a Game Over comes from the Playstation game, OverBlood.

And I put in some nods and parodies to some movies that I love. It’s fine if the only people who enjoy those references are people who are familiar with the films, so I won’t mention what they are.

Screenshot from 100animalease with the protagonist standing near a beehive. Explosions are bursting around her as bees and hornets collide.

What was the most challenging part of making 100animalease?

When I was planning out which 100 animals would appear in the game, I realized I needed to prepare a lot of graphical assets of the animals and their walk cycles, so I knew that would be a challenge. I decided to pair off some of the animals so I actually only needed to make about 70 different kinds of animals, but even then, it was still a lot of work.

Of all the animals that appeared in 100animalease, which animal would you be if given the chance?

All of the animals are unique and a little strange, but if I had to choose, I would be the carefree Humboldt penguin.

Screenshot from SEKISAI with the player talking to a rabbit, who says 'ALIENS SEEM to BE DOING BAD THINGS'

Can you tell us about some other games you worked on in the past?

I mentioned SEKISAI earlier, and I want to talk more about it.

You control a strong rhinoceros girl, and you explore an island where something strange has happened in this action game. Pick up fallen blocks, throw them, and connect them together to erase them and solve puzzles.

I finished making this game in 2020, but because of financial and technical problems, I have only recently been able to release it on Steam. There is a little crossover between 100animalease and SEKISAI, so I think you’ll have an extra bit of enjoyment if you play both games.

Can you tell us about anything you are currently working on?

I just released SEKISAI, so right now I am taking a break from creating and am instead doing things like cooking, fishing, and buying and playing games that I couldn’t play before. I am thinking about making two games, a strategy puzzle game and an action game where you explore a small world, but I think that I will take a break before making them.

Do you have any messages for your players?

I plan to make more games as sewohayami. I frequently post updates on my Twitter, so I would be happy if you cheered me on.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!



日本の個人ゲーム開発者です。 普段はスマートフォンやPCゲームのUI/UXデザイナーの仕事をしています。 これまでに、家電製品生産ラインのエンジニア、自動車部品のプロダクトデザイン、広告のグラフィックデザインなど、多種多様な業種を経験してきた経歴があって、デザイナーでありプログラマーです。 どんな仕事もある程度こなせるので人に頼られることが多いです。

Title screen for SEKISAI

(2023) SEKISAI




企画書を書く前にモックを作ってから企画を考えます。いくら想像の中で企画を練っても、モックを触ってみると想像と違うということは多々あります。 世界観やストーリーを考えるのは後回しです。


一番を決めるのは難しいですが、セガが2000年にドリームキャストで発売した「ルーマニア#203(ROOMMANIA#203)」が今も強く心に残っています。 その他は、ゼルダの伝説ムジュラの仮面、MOTHER2、MOTHER3、moonGiFTPiAちびロボなど。共通するのは個性的なキャラクターがいるところで、ジャンルはアクションアドベンチャーが好きな傾向にあると思います。

Title screen for 100animalease

(2022) 百獣エスケープ


100匹の動物を仲間にして、その能力を借りることで謎の施設からの脱出を目指すアクションアドベンチャーゲームです。 動物たちはみんな個性的で、仲間にするためには彼らの願いや悩みを解決しなければなりません。 仲間にした動物が隊列をなして後をついてくる様子が可愛くて面白いのでぜひ動画を見てください。

このゲームの特徴として特筆すべき点は、短期間で製作された事です。 コンセプトである100にちなんで、Twitterで「100日後に完成するRPG」というハッシュタグで開発の初期段階から毎日進捗報告を行っていました。 開発メンバーも効果音などを手伝ってもらったことを除いてほぼ自分ひとりで製作しました。

Screenshot from 100animalease with three test tubes in the foreground, filled with red, blue, and green liquid. In the background is the party and a panda sitting in a laboratory.


多くの個人ゲーム開発者が抱える共通の悩みだと思うのですが、集客がうまくいかないというのが悩みで、効果的なプロモーションは何かないか考えたのが企画のきっかけです。 話題作りのために、Twitterで「100日後に〇〇する〇〇」というハッシュタグが流行っていたのをヒントに、100日でゲームを作れば話題になって集客が見込めるのではないかという思惑で企画はスタートしました。

実際やってみると、集客の面では思った成果は出ませんでした。 毎日更新するたび徐々にインプレッションがさがっていきました。 スタートする時期が「100日後に〇〇する〜」のブームが終わりかけだったことと、開発の後半はデバッグ作業などになるのでどうしても同じような画面を公開することになってしまうのが原因かなと思います。 「100日後に〇〇する〇〇」のハッシュタグは主に漫画に使われていて、先の展開の期待感を膨らませるもので、ゲーム開発に関してはそういった効果はなかったのかなと思います。

100日後にリリースさせなきゃいけないというプレッシャーが常につきまとうので、もうやりたいとは思わないです(笑) ただ、制限のある環境だと洗練されたものが生まれる気がするのと、形にできていないアイデアがたくさんあって早く形にしたいので今後も短期間でゲームを開発していくと思います。

Screenshot from 100animalease with the protagonist catching fruit in a box that she is holding over her head. Apples and other fruit are falling from the trees above.


主人公の歩行グラフィックが縦横斜めの8方向を向くのはMOTHER2から影響を受けています。当時RPGで斜めに歩けることが画期的で感動した覚えがあるので。 後ろをついてくる動物は縦横の4方向しかないのもMOTHER2の仕様(一時的に仲間になるトニーなどのキャラクター)を踏襲しています。



Screenshot from 100animalease with the protagonist standing near a beehive. Explosions are bursting around her as bees and hornets collide.


100匹の動物が登場するという企画の段階で、動物の歩行グラフィックをそれだけたくさん用意しなければならないことがわかっていたので、そこはかなり挑戦的だったと思います。 動物たちはつがいで登場するという設定にして実際に用意するのは70種類くらいに減らしましたが、それでも大変でした。



Screenshot from SEKISAI with the player talking to a rabbit, who says 'ALIENS SEEM to BE DOING BAD THINGS'



力持ちのサイの女の子を操作して、異変が起きた島を冒険するアクションゲームです。 落ちているブロックを運んで、投げて、繋げて消していくパズル要素があるのが特徴です。

このゲームは2020年に完成していたものの、資金面や技術面の問題で最近ようやくSteamでリリースされました。 百獣エスケープとの繋がりも少しあるので、両方のゲームを遊ぶともっと楽しめると思います。


「SEKISAI」のSteam版をリリースしたばかりのところで、今はインプットの時期だと思って料理したり釣りしたり買ったまま遊んでないゲームを遊んだりしています。 隊列を利用したパズルゲームと、小さな世界を冒険するアクションゲームの2つを考えていますが、形にするのはもうしばらく休憩してからにします。




sewohayamiYou can find more of sewohayami's games on Unity Room and Steam, and follow them on Twitter @hayami_sewo.
