🎤 Interview with Takahiro Ueda
2023年 3月 16日
Takahiro Ueda was kind enough to speak with us about working on the digital board game, Tails of the Kyuubi!
English (Translated)
Translated by Renkon

(2021) マゲームス3 (Magames 3)
Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
I make games at my own place. I try not to get hung up on details, and put my heart into the things I want to make. Before I started making games, I belonged to a voice acting agency and did theater.
Can you introduce Mage-chan and Shifu-san?
They are Shifu-san the Thief and Mage-chan the Mage, and they form the comedy duo Shifu-Mage! Shifu-san is the funny man and Mage-chan is the straight man in their acts.
Shifu-san is bright and active, but he’s not very good at being a thief, so he’s always getting into trouble. Mage-chan is always getting on his case about it, but since Shifu-san is her only friend, she is secretly very happy that he invites her to go on adventures together.
How did you get started making games?
I didn’t stand a chance of working for a game company because I had no prior experience making games, so I figured that I had no choice but to make games on my own.

(2021) 数直線上のカルク (Suuchokusenjou no Calc)
What does your general game-making process look like?
I think about what I wholeheartedly want to play, and from there, I prepare the necessary components one by one. I start with the visuals. If I started with the game system first, it is hard to get a feel for if it is fun or not using only placeholder images. In order to have fun playing, I start with the visuals. After that, I create the system and start playing immediately.
It is as if I start with only the most succulent parts of a dish and then snack on it for the rest of the meal. This method is fine for small-scale projects, but it would be quite difficult to complete medium- or long-term projects this way.
Can you tell us about some of your favorite games (analog or digital) and genres?
My favorite digital games are Undertale and Yamafuda! 2nd Station. My favorite analog games are Mahjong and Figure It.
I seem to like games that are logical and require a bit of luck.

(2022) キュウビのしっぽ (Tails of the Kyuubi)
Please tell us about Tails of the Kyuubi!
Tails of the Kyuubi is a game where you travel around and around the board. You will clear the game if you can complete ten laps around the board before you run out of dice. But every time you clear a lap, more fox pups will appear, and they will interfere with the player’s progress.
Roll the dice to either slip past the pups or do battle, and aim for the goal. The battle scenes are cute and comical, and are a big feature of the game.
What was the most challenging part of making Tails of the Kyuubi?
The performances. Until now, I didn’t put much effort into directing scenes, and focused on making the game systems fun. However, because of the simple rules in Tails of the Kyuubi, I thought we would need something more to make it interesting. So right away, I approached the illustrator ICHI, and asked them to create something fun separate from the game system.

(2022) 串焼き職人~初夏の風に吹かれて~ (Kushiyaki Shokunin ~Shoka no Kaze ni Furikakete~, Shishkebab Master ~Sprinkled with Early Summer Breeze~)
When playing Tails of the Kyuubi in Hard Mode, I feel a real tension over whether I’ll be able to clear the game or not, and I feel it’s balanced quite well. How did you work on balancing the game this way?
I would adjust the number of dice and test it out, and then repeat that process.
Originally, I only considered the probability of landing on an enemy square, and whether the player would risk taking damage or rerolling. At the time, there was only the Normal Mode, with a scoreboard for players to compete using the number of remaining dice at the end as their score.
However, I realized that if players don’t care about their score and just want to clear the game, they could brute-force their way through by rerolling. Since the number of steps required to clear the game was set at 160, I thought that it would be possible to alter the play style by manipulating the numbers and relying on a bit of luck, which led to the implementation of the Hard Mode.
In contrast to the Normal Mode that anyone can easily clear, I feel that players can get a sense of barely squeaking by in the Hard Mode.

(2021) ぐるぐるカードバトル (GuruGuru Card Battle)
Your previous Unity Room games also feature board game-like designs, and use things like dice and cards. Do you play a lot of analog games? Please tell us about the advantages and appeal of designing digital games that resemble analog games.
I love analog games, but since I don’t have many friends, I hardly ever play them. It’s very sad.
I’m not good at games that require difficult controls, such as action and shooting games. In card and board games, carefully selecting your next move is more important than the controls. So I think one big advantage they have is being able to play and have fun just by clicking, dragging, and dropping objects.
Can you tell us about any other games you worked on in the past?
I made a card game that is based on the card game, War. If you play it in your browser, it is called 「山ぐるぐる札ぐるぐる」 (Yama GuruGuru Fuda GuruGuru). If you are looking for it on smartphones, it is called 「ぐるぐるカードバトル」 (GuruGuru Card Battle). It is the debut title of Shifu-san and Mage-chan, and the story is about their first encounter. Both the browser and smartphone versions are the same game, but the smartphone version goes up to three stages.

(2021) ペアダイスバトル (Pair Dice Battle)
Can you tell us about anything you are currently working on?
Currently, I am working on a new episode, called 「オロチのあたま」 (Heads of the Orochi), for the smartphone version of Tails of the Kyuubi. I’m planning to make it more battle-oriented than the Kyuubi arc.
And another project I have been working on since last year is a remake of 「ペアダイスバトル」 (Pair Dice Battle), which was originally made for a past Unity1Week game jam. The new version will be called 「ペアダイスバトルRE」 (Pair Dice Battle RE) and will release as a smartphone app.
Do you have any messages for your players?
Additional episodes are coming to those who have purchased the smartphone app, so if you are interested, please get Tails of the Kyuubi!

(2022) ビートドッジ (Beat Dodge)
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!



この度の「キュウビのしっぽ - ボードゲーム」という作品についてご紹介お願いします。


過去のUnity Roomのゲームでもサイコロやカードを利用したボードゲームのようなデザインが印象的です。普段からアナログゲームをプレイされますか?アナログゲームのようなデザインにする利点や魅力などについて教えてください。

