📰 2023 March Zine Issue and Wrap-Up!
2023年 3月 31日Wow, I can't believe we made it through a quarter of 2023! Here is the インディー通信 Indie Tsushin 2023 March zine issue!
The zine is viewable in browser on itch, and available for download in PDF, ePub, and MOBI formats on itch and Ko-Fi. We also have digital postcards and the Japanese interview editions (インタビュー特集) to download. It is PWYW so everyone can enjoy it! We really hope that you will check it out!
Here's what's inside:
2023 March インディー通信 Indie Tsushin Zine Issue
#👑 Pickup! Tokyo Indie Games Summit
#Twenty interesting games from Tokyo Indie Games Summit on March 4!
🎮 ツキササリーナ (Tsukisas Arena)
#Game profile of ツキササリーナ (Tsukisas Arena) by veryOK, a cross between a strange visual novel and a strange 2D action game!
🎮 キュウビのしっぽ (Tails of the Kyuubi)
#Game profile of キュウビのしっぽ (Tails of the Kyuubi), a digital board game and light dungeon-crawler in the Shifu-san and Mage-chan series by Takahiro Ueda and ICHI!
#Game profile of GRAPPIN, a first-person exploration game with a unique grappling hook mechanic by Ahmin Hafidi!
🎮 Cat Café 101
#Game profile of Cat Café 101, an adorable management sim featuring 101 cats by Hidebu!
🎤 Interview with Kurusute
#We spoke with Kurusute about working on the upcoming 2D action game, Tsukisas Arena!
🎤 Interview with Takahiro Ueda
#We spoke with Takahiro Ueda about making the Shifu-san and Mage-chan digital board game series, including Tails of the Kyuubi!
🎤 Interview with Ahmin Hafidi
#We spoke with Ahmin Hafidi about making the first-person mountain-climbing exploration game, GRAPPIN!
🎤 Interview with Hidebu
#We spoke with Hidebu about making the incredibly charming Cat Café 101!
#🌸 April events
#We're gonna check out Tokyo Sandbox on the 15th and Konami Indie Games Connect on the 30th! Daikon and I will be walking around and playing a bunch of games at both events. Follow us on Mastodon to see our live-toots about it!
#☃️ 2023 Winter Collection
#I've bundled together the 2022 December, 2023 January, and 2023 February issues into one collection of zines that you can buy on itch for a minimum of $10! I'm trying to raise some funds to commission writers to contribute to the zine in future. This is still very much in the planning stages, but it is something I really hope to bring to fruition sometime this year! If you want to see Indie Tsushin grow, please consider getting the 2023 Winter Collection, or sharing it with people that you think would be interested in reading about Japanese indie games!
📰 2023 February issue
#Check out the 2023 February issue and its games if you haven't yet! And be sure to look through our full catalog for more great stuff!
🍸 Happy Hour!
#Subscribe to our YouTube channel and tune in every Thursday from 9PM UTC+9 for Happy Hour, a bilingual show introducing some indie games!
And now, a word from our sponsors
#Just kidding! インディー通信 Indie Tsushin is ad-free, does not (and will never!) run sponsored content, and is mostly made by two people in their spare time. We write the articles, buy the games out of pocket, conduct and translate the interviews, lay out and edit the website and zines, pay for hosting and recording equipment, and so on. We do all this because we are gigantic nerds and hope that more people can play and appreciate Japanese indie games and their developers. We would gladly do it even if we never made a single yen from this.
BUT! If you enjoyed the zine, please consider buying our zines! Any amount would be more than enough, and would go a long way towards boosting our morale and keeping us going. Not only that, it lets us pay guest writers to appear in the zine! If you can't afford to donate, don't even worry about it! Indie Tsushin will always be available to read for free and will never go behind a paywall. You can help us a ton just by sharing our articles and videos, or rating and reviewing our zines on itch.io. Thank you so much for all of your kind support!
We also have a Ko-Fi where you can make a one-time donation or sign up for our ¥300/month tier.
🙏 Thanks for reading!
#That's all for now, but be sure to check the インディー通信 Indie Tsushin blog for the latest articles, follow our Steam curator account, subscribe to the RSS feed, and sign up for our monthly e-mail digest so you don't miss anything! Hope you enjoy the issue and games!