📰 2022 December Zine Issue released!

2022年 12月 30日

I come bearing year-end gifts for you! Let's get the big one out of the way: the インディー通信 Indie Tsushin 2022 December zine issue!

Title card for the インディー通信 Indie Tsushin 2022 December Issue

The zine is viewable in browser on itch, and available for download in PDF, ePub, and MOBI formats on itch and Ko-Fi. We also have digital postcards and the Japanese interview editions (インタビュー特集) to download. It is PWYW so everyone can enjoy it! We really hope that you will check it out!

Here's what's inside:

2022 December インディー通信 Indie Tsushin Zine Issue

🎮 るる子の事件簿!! (Ruruko Case File!!)

Title card for るる子の事件簿!! (Ruruko Case File!!)

Game profile of るる子の事件簿!! (Ruruko Case File!!) by AZ.

🎮 Shadow Break and Super Shadow Break

Title screen for Shadow Break

Game profiles of Shadow Break and Super Shadow Break by bunaguchi!

🎮 city::ephemera

Screenshot from city::ephemera with a large orb in the lower left corner of the screen, and large abstract buildings in the background. The image is grainy and black-and-white.

Game profile of city::ephemera by INFINITE TEARS!

🎮 Battle of Windows

Screenshot from Battle of Windows

Game profile of Battle of Windows by yumehiko, tsukihiko, and komekami!

🌟 Developer Spotlight: Squimmy

Screenshot from Glub-Glubmarine

We spoke with Squimmy about making games and participating in game jams!

🎤 Interview with AZ.

Title screen for 「黒筆」 (Kurofude, Black Brush) -The sense of forger-

We spoke with AZ. about their experience making games, including their most recent title, 「るる子の事件簿!!」 (Ruruko Case File!!)

🎤 Interview with bunaguchi

Title screen of Super Shadow Break on the Nintendo Switch

We spoke with bunaguchi about Shadow Break and its follow-up Super Shadow Break!

🎤 Interview with yumehiko

Screenshot from ○○ (NikoMaru)

We spoke with yumehiko about Battle of Windows and their other works!

🎤 Interview with Squimmy

Screenshot from Hulagain!

We spoke with Squimmy about making games and participating in game jams!


🎙️ Streaming Unity1Week: Re

Title card for the Unity1Week: Re stream

Last night, we wrapped up streaming some of our favorite games from the ongoing Unity1Week game jam! The evaluation period closes on January 1st at 8PM JST, so get your ratings in while you still have time!

🎊 New Year's Eve Streaming Marathon

Help us ring in the New Year with a marathon stream covering some cool and interesting indie games that we enjoyed in 2022! Check our YouTube channel to see when the stream starts!


🍸 Happy Hour!

Nice Gear Games presents Happy Hour!

Subscribe to our YouTube channel and tune in every Thursday from 9PM UTC+9 for Happy Hour, a bilingual show introducing some indie games!

And now, a word from our sponsors

Just kidding! インディー通信 Indie Tsushin is ad-free, does not (and will never!) run sponsored content, and is mostly made by two people in their spare time. We write the articles, buy the games out of pocket, conduct and translate the interviews, lay out and edit the website and zines, pay for hosting and recording equipment, and so on. We do all this because we are gigantic nerds and hope that more people can play and appreciate Japanese indie games and their developers. We would gladly do it even if we never made a single yen from this.

BUT! If you enjoyed the zine, please consider buying our zines! Any amount would be more than enough, and would go a long way towards boosting our morale and keeping us going. Not only that, it lets us pay guest writers to appear in the zine! If you can't afford to donate, don't even worry about it! Indie Tsushin will always be available to read for free and will never go behind a paywall. You can help us a ton just by sharing our articles and videos, or rating and reviewing our zines on itch.io. Thank you so much for all of your kind support!

We also have a Ko-Fi where you can make a one-time donation or sign up for our ¥‎300/month tier.

Support Indie Tsushin on Ko-Fi!

🙏 Thanks for reading!

That's all for now, but be sure to check the インディー通信 Indie Tsushin blog for the latest articles, follow our Steam curator account, subscribe to the RSS feed, and sign up for our monthly e-mail digest so you don't miss anything! Hope you enjoy the issue and games!

Thanks for reading Indie Tsushin!
