🎤 Interview with HesoRider

2023年 12月 13日
Indie Tsushin 2023 December-January issueThis article was featured in our 2023 December-January issue. Check out more articles and interviews in the full issue.

We had the pleasure of speaking with Tottori University student HesoRider about passing the cutthroat and hazardous school entrance exams, both in real life and in their bullet hell shooting game, 闘う受験生 Entrance Exam (Fighting Test-Taker: Entrance Exam)!

English (translated)

Translated by Renkon

The English Listening phase of Entrance Exam with a giant ear to the left side of the screen with tons of damaging letters funneling into it. The player is shooting pencils at a blond personification of the English subject.

(2023) 闘う受験生 Entrance Exam (Fighting Test-Taker: Entrance Exam)

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.

I am HesoRider. I am currently a student in my fourth year at Tottori University, and I make games on my own in Tottori Prefecture. Most of the games I've made are shooting games. I also belong to the game development team within the Tottori University PC Circle.

How did you get started making games?

When I was in high school, I was in a club that released a game for the school's culture festival, and that was my first time using Unity. I didn't use Unity much after entering university, but when I saw a course on Udemy about making 2D shooting games, that was when I used Unity again after so long. Since then, I've been completely absorbed in making shooting games.

The Sengoku Feudal States phase of social studies, with the boss dressed like an armored samurai on horseback and waving a sword over her head.

Can you tell us about some of your favorite games and genres?

I love games like Touhou Project and Xevious.

Can you tell us about your activities with the Tottori University PC Circle's game development team?

The whole team works together to make one game. This year, we made a game called 波動対戦 (Hadō Taisen, Wave Battle) and exhibited it at an event called Game Pavilion held in Osaka, and at Tottori University's school festival, Fūmonsai. There is no one left to take over for us in the club, and the main members, including myself, are going to graduate, so I don't know if this club will continue after next year. I hope it will still continue into the future...

The Milky Way Railroad phase of Japanese, with a huge black steam locomotive crossing the screen and trailing damaging stars. The boss, dressed in a pink hakama, is shooting blue lasers at the player.

Please tell us about Entrance Exam!

闘う受験生 Entrance Exam (Fighting Test-Taker: Entrance Exam) is a bullet hell shooting game with the theme of passing the university entrance examinations.

Taking the university entrance exams is a battle. Use the fruits of your labors up to this point to crush the exam subjects!

The player becomes a test-taker who fights against the exam subjects, who have transformed into girls. There are three courses that you can choose from: science, the humanities, and the national public exams. There is also a mock exam mode to use for practice. This is a bullet hell game to cheer on examinees. Good luck, students!

Can you tell us about the process of making Entrance Exam? Was it different from the way you approached making your other games?

I tried to express the unique characteristics of each subject. When the player starts the stage for each subject, I used the bullet arrays to express the different aspects of each subject so players will think things like, "This stage feels like Japanese," or "This stage feels like science."

Samurai dressed in red armor lined up in a vertical row to block the boss, while also shooting brown arrows and charging forward with spears.

What was your greatest influence when making Entrance Exam?

The bullet hell part of this game was influenced by Touhou Project and Xevious. As for the other parts, it is after all an entrance exam, so I based it off the National Center Test for University Admissions.

What was the most challenging part of making Entrance Exam?

Science and Social Studies have a lot of concrete references to use such as physical objects and history, so it was easy to turn them into bullet hell stages. But Japanese, Mathematics, and English are subjects with a lot of abstract concepts, so it was hard to come up with danmaku phases for those. In particular, I struggled a lot thinking of danmaku phases for Japanese.

Classical Japanese literature phase starting, with the boss strumming a biwa and singing 'Gion shouja no kane no koe,' the opening of the Heike Monogatari.

Can you tell us a little about your personal experience taking entrance examinations? Which is more difficult, sitting for the actual test or playing this game?

In this game, in order to pass the national university exam, you have to get a score of 70% or higher. But my actual score on the National Center Test was lower than that, around 60%.

However, I was accepted into and am currently attending Tottori University, a national university, so I can say that the game is a lot more difficult. Unlike the game, when it comes to social studies and science, you can choose one or two fields for the real exam.

If you don't mind my asking, can you tell us your strong and weak subjects, and are they reflected in the game?

My major was in the sciences, and I would say that I enjoy science and math, so I was very particular about getting those two subjects represented in bullet hell form. On the other hand, I am not very good at Japanese, so I couldn't come up at all with any danmaku arrays that would connect to Japanese.

Trigonometric functions phase of Math, with the boss sending out two waves of black dots on a line at the player.

I really enjoyed seeing all the different attack phases for each subject. Which was your favorite phase?

The trigonometric functions phase for Math. The Math stage itself is my favorite out of all the subjects, and I like the characters (I'm a big fan of the Math character), but out of all of that, I like the trigonometric function the best. I actually used trigonometric functions when programming the bullet arrays, and I had trouble implementing that, so I hope players can notice the effort that went into that phase.

I know that you showed off Entrance Exam at events such as the Digital Games Expo. What was the reaction like from players?

When I was exhibiting at Game Pavilion, I felt that there was a clear division in tastes when it comes to these kinds of humorous games. There are some people who get really into the mock exam mode and continue to play the full game afterwards, and they say it's fun. But there are also people who don't get that into the mock exam mode and quit right afterwards.

I knew going in that it might not be for everyone because it's a humorous game and the theme is "exams," which is generally a bitter memory for people. But even so, I was surprised to see the reaction so clearly divided.

Writing phase of the English boss with a pencil crossing the top of the screen and raining down English letters onto the player.

Is there anything in Entrance Exam to which you want to draw the player's attention?

I hope you enjoy the bullet arrays of each subject. Within each subject are several different fields of study, so I want people to feel excited to see what's coming up next. You can use the mock exam mode to brush up on strategies, think of ways to avoid and overcome areas you are weak in, and have fun, just like taking a real exam.

Do you have any indie games that you'd like to shout out? What do you like about them?

Cosmo Dreamer by Outside, who exhibited the game at the Digital Games Expo while it was still under development. This is a bullet hell shooting game, but it's easy to play even for beginners and the world is cute, so I highly recommend it.

To tell the truth, even though I make shooting games, I'm not that good at playing them. I'm basically a beginner. But even I was able to clear Cosmo Dreamer.

Title screen of Panorama Fortress, an octogonal fortress with four cannons poking out of its cardinal sides on a green field. Flying across the top of the screen are two brown airplanes.

(2023) パノラマフォートレス (Panorama Fortress)

Can you tell us about other games you worked on in the past?

The most recent game I made is Panorama Fortress, published on Unity Room.

On Unity Room, there is a regular event called Unity 1 Week, where you can create a game using Unity over the course of one week. This game was created for the theme, "1 Button." You only need one button to shoot in this game.

In this game, there is a gun turret that is constantly rotating, and the player has to have good timing and press the "shoot" button at the right time to bring down the approaching enemies and protect the fortress.

Can you tell us about anything you are currently working on?

Right now, I am currently developing Stomach Shooter, a shooting game where you fight against an upset stomach. Players take on the role of stomach medicine warriors and fight against the various ills and pains of a stomachache. I currently only have the concept done, so this is all that has been decided so far.

Ending screen with YOU PASSED in big red letters over a faded picture of the student crying with joy.

Do you have any messages for your players?

I recently added an online ranking function to Entrance Exam, so please play and compete with examinees from all over the country! I would like all of you who are currently studying for the entrance exams to take a break from your studies and play this game. Good luck, students!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


The English Listening phase of Entrance Exam with a giant ear to the left side of the screen with tons of damaging letters funneling into it. The player is shooting pencils at a blond personification of the English subject.

(2023) 闘う受験生 Entrance Exam





The Sengoku Feudal States phase of social studies, with the boss dressed like an armored samurai on horseback and waving a sword over her head.




班全体で1つのゲームを作っています。今年は「波動対戦」というゲームを製作し、大阪で行われた「ゲームパビリオン」というイベントや鳥取大学の学園祭である「風紋祭」で展示をしていました。 後継者がおらず、自分を含めた主要メンバーが卒業してしまうので来年度以降存続しているかはわかりません。存続を願っているのですが…。

The Milky Way Railroad phase of Japanese, with a huge black steam locomotive crossing the screen and trailing damaging stars. The boss, dressed in a pink hakama, is shooting blue lasers at the player.

この度の「闘う受験生 Entrance Exam」という作品についてご紹介お願いします。



プレイヤーは受験生となり、試験科目の化身である少女たちと闘います。 受験できるコースは理系・文系・国公立の3つ。練習のための模試モードもあります。 受験生応援弾幕シューティングゲームです。頑張れ受験生!

「闘う受験生 」を作るときに、どのようなプロセスで作成しましたか。他のゲームを作るときと何か違いがありますか。


Samurai dressed in red armor lined up in a vertical row to block the boss, while also shooting brown arrows and charging forward with spears.





Classical Japanese literature phase starting, with the boss strumming a biwa and singing 'Gion shouja no kane no koe,' the opening of the Heike Monogatari.



しかしそんな僕でも今通っている鳥取大学に受かったので、ゲームのほうが難しいですね。 社会と理科に関してはゲームと違って本番の試験では分野を1つか2つに選択できますし。



Trigonometric functions phase of Math, with the boss sending out two waves of black dots on a line at the player.






Writing phase of the English boss with a pencil crossing the top of the screen and raining down English letters onto the player.






Title screen of Panorama Fortress, an octogonal fortress with four cannons poking out of its cardinal sides on a green field. Flying across the top of the screen are two brown airplanes.

(2023) パノラマフォートレス


一番最近作ったのは、Unity Roomで公開している「パノラマフォートレス」です。

このUnity Roomというサイトでは定期的にUnity 1 Weekという、1週間でUnityを使ってゲームを作る企画があるのですが、このゲームはそれのお題「1ボタン」のときに作った作品です。「砲撃」ボタン1つでプレイできます。



現在、胃もたれと戦うシューティングゲーム、「ストマックシューター」 を開発中です。プレイヤーは胃薬戦士として、胃もたれの原因と戦います。今はほぼ構想段階なので、ここまでしか決まっていません。

Ending screen with YOU PASSED in big red letters over a faded picture of the student crying with joy.




HesoRiderVisit HesoRider's Game Creators page for more of their works. Their games can also be found on Freem, Unity Room, and PLiCy.
