🎤 Interview with Ekoda Bucho
2023年 12月 19日
We spoke with Ekoda Bucho of Alaska Ohdanbu about making doujin games in the 2000s, and working on the turn-based high school club SRPG, Dramatic Road: The Origin of Wind!
English (translated)
Translated by Renkon

(2023, early access) Dramatic Road: The Origin of Wind
Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am Ekoda Bucho and I represent the game-making circle Alaska Ohdanbu. In the 2000s, we made doujin games but went on hiatus in the 2010s, and have resumed our activities starting from 2023.
How did you get started making games?
Around the 2000s, I came into contact with a group of people actively making doujin games, and I wanted to try to make my own full-fledged game, too! That’s how I got started. After that, I found some other people who shared my interests, and we started making games together.
Can you tell us about some of your favorite games and genres?
The genres I like are simulation RPGs and tactical strategies.

Please tell us about Dramatic Road: The Origin of Wind!
Dramatic Road: The Origin of Wind is a simulation RPG set in modern Japan. This game has a unique world view where motorcycle riders, baseball players, magicians, and other characters from our modern-day world stand up against evil gangs and criminal organizations. As a simulation RPG, there is a substantial amount of content, allowing you to develop the various characters and enjoy full-scale strategic battles.
Can you tell us about the process of making Dramatic Road? Was it different from the way you approached making your other games?
For this game, there was a story scenario I wanted to write so we started with that. I spent about a year writing the story all the way to the end (meaning, I have already written the story for the second and third parts, which have not been released yet.). After that, we worked out the basic systems of the game, such as the mixed turn order and such. Only after we cleared all those hurdles did we finally begin drawing the characters.
I’m not familiar with how other people make their games, but when I made games in the past, I created them in the order of artwork, then systems, then scenario. This time, we ended up making Dramatic Road in the complete opposite order.

What was your greatest influence when making Dramatic Road?
In terms of the story, we were strongly influenced by the OVA version of Bari Bari Densetsu that we watched when we were kids. For the game, we used titles like Tear Ring Saga: Berwick Saga and Utawarerumono as references.
The protagonists are high school students yet are in a motorcycle racing club, which I think is pretty unusual. How did you come up with this and the other clubs that appear in the game?
In this game, unit types that are common in fantasy RPGs are instead assigned to real-life clubs and jobs. Cavalry become bike riders, flying units become Birdman engineers, archers become tennis players… you get the idea.
Out of all the modern units here, I thought that riders were the coolest, so we decided to make the motorcycle club the one to which our protagonists belonged.

What was the most challenging part of making Dramatic Road?
It was our first time developing a game in Unity, so that was the biggest challenge.
Is there anything in Dramatic Road to which you want to draw the player’s attention?
Besides the action-rewind function, we were particular about building systems that would satisfy SRPG fans, such as our game’s unique Shift Change function. We would love it if you tried it out.

Out of the many characters who make an appearance, to whom do you think you are the most similar?
In Stage 8 there is a character named Hirano Takeshi, and I believe he’s the closest to me. He is also a very important character in the early access version.
Do you have any messages for your players?
Although we have just started out as indie game developers, as huge SRPG fans, we put our hearts and souls into creating a groundbreaking new SRPG.
Please look forward to the completion of Dramatic Road: The Origin of Wind.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

ゲーム制作サークル **「アラスカ横断部」**の代表の **「えこだ部長」**と申します。2000年代に同人ゲーム制作をしていましたが2010年に一時休止、その後、2023年より活動を再開いたしました。

この度の「ドラマチックロード 風の発端」という作品についてご紹介お願いします。

本作では、ファンタジーRPGでよくある兵種を、現実の部活動・職業に割り当てています。 騎兵→ライダー、飛行兵→鳥人間、弓兵→テニスプレイヤー…といった具合です。


STAGE 8で登場する敵キャラクター「平野 タケシ」が、自分に最も近いキャラクターだと考えています。彼は、アーリーアクセス版においても非常に重要な人物となっています。
