🎮 Retro Game Aliens
2023年 12月 24日Editor’s note: I (Renkon) usually only translate Daikon’s game profiles into English for the site and zine. This time however, I requested that he let me publish his original Japanese essay as well. You can find that below the English.
English (translated)
At the 2023 Digital Games Expo, I encountered a game that pointed me down a road I had never previously explored. The name of that game is Retro Game Aliens, currently in development by qbert. Like the title suggests, this work focuses on the retro charm of PC adventure games. It was created to allow people like me, who missed playing those games when they released, to easily experience them now in modern times.
Retro Game Aliens itself is a visual novel set in modern Japan, but it also incorporates three separate and fully-realized adventure games. These are, we are told, popular adventure games originally released in the early 1980s. The overarching story unfolds as you play through these games-within-the-game.
The main character of Retro Game Aliens is a middle-aged man who used to play retro adventure games before we started calling them retro. While wandering the streets at night, he happens across a young woman struggling to make any progress in a handheld game cartridge containing the three titles. She asks him for his help, to which he initially replies with some hesitation. The early '80s was a long time ago, after all. “Whaaaaaaaat?” she says with some shock. “Don’t old gamers vividly remember the old games they used to play?” It’s a fun setup, and after a bit more back-and-forth, the player can finally choose which of the three games to get started on.
The three games are 王家の棺 (Royal Coffin), a fantastical command-input adventure in Egypt; 妖精達の街路 (Nymph Street), a simple and cute dating simulator; and つくば殺人事件模 パビリオンで待つ (Waiting at the Pavilion), a stylish noir mystery game. The first one I played through was Royal Coffin.
In Royal Coffin, the main character gets caught up in an accident and lands in a desert country, and they go on an adventure to discover the secrets of an ancient royal family. When we talk about retro-style games, we often point to their rough pixel art, and this game is no different. However, not only the pixel art, but also the way the game progresses is full of retro charm.
Once in the desert, the player can choose from a list of actions and the cardinal directions to move. The environments in the desert are harsh, and it is very easy to die. If you go down the wrong path, you’ll die; if you encounter an enemy and take too long deciding what to do, you’ll die. Although the plot is completely absurd, the casual dialogue and memorable death scenes left me feeling quite nostalgic. There is generous checkpointing with a robust save system, which is more user-friendly than the games to which Royal Coffin is paying homage. These modern touches allow you to enjoy the outrageous story beats typical of retro adventure games.
Each scene is depicted with a single picture. While people with a good sense of memory may be able to recognize the layout of the paths, it is also quite easy to lose track of where your current location or your destination. By all means, please use a pencil and paper when trying out this game. Players of that time also used to do this to keep notes on their game objectives. It will enhance your sense of enjoying a retro game even more.
Many of the quirks of adventure games from the early '80s may be indecipherable to players today. Even if you managed to track down these old games and got them running on modern hardware, it might be difficult to convey their charm to people who have never played them. Things like relying on players to draw their own maps, or the trial-and-error nature of learning each game’s text parser, can be a high hurdle for anyone who is not already familiar with the genre and the technological limitations of the time that shaped the way games were designed. Even highly acclaimed and foundational games can be forgotten to time if we do not preserve not just the games themselves, but also what made them so great. So for players like myself, who did not experience those early adventure games in real time, it can be tough to even know where to begin learning about retro games.
The situation in Retro Game Aliens mirrors my own, where a person in the modern day encounters a retro adventure game. Some areas have been modernized to make for a smoother experience, while still retaining the value of the games from that time. It’s truly a work that leads players down the road to discovering for themselves the joy of retro gaming, and it is also just a blast to play. It is a work that removes all the barriers to enjoying older games for people like me experiencing them now for the first time.
The three games-within-a-game are modeled after three real Japanese adventure games from the early 1980s. The group working on these games also produced a series of zines called ビデオゲーム史をめぐる冒険シリーズ (Adventures in Video Game History), which interviews the developers of legendary adventure games 黄金の墓 (Ōgon no Haka, The Golden Tomb), オーホツクに消ゆ (Okhotsk ni Kiyu, Disappearance in Okhotsk), and TOKYOナンパストリート (TOKYO Nampa Street). Each issue goes into the development and background that led to the production of each title. When reading these zines, you can see how making those games back then was vastly different from the way games are made today and the kinds of challenges they faced. This information was not widely available at the time, so we in the modern age can enjoy these games even more deeply since we were exposed to them as retro games.
“Retro games” does not simply mean “old games.” When we preserve them, we must also include the challenges that the creators faced, as well as the cherished memories of the players of the time. Through these acts of preservation, the charm of these games mature and create new generations of fans. For this reason, retro games are worth playing for modern players who lack that experience. You may need some background knowledge to enjoy them. There is a wealth of information out there, like the anecdotes of developers who pushed the technological limits of their time, and articles and reviews published when the games were first released. Works such as the aforementioned zine are an invaluable resource.
If you are interested in learning about and playing retro games but are worried about the barriers surrounding them, please give Retro Game Aliens a try. If many people find their own paths to these games, their legacies will continue to endure.
それぞれ「王家の棺」、「妖精達の街路」、「つくば殺人事件模 パビリオンで待つ」 の3つのゲームが入っており、その中からアドベンチャーゲーム「王家の棺」をプレイさせていただきました。
この「レトロゲームエイリアンズ」に収録されている3つの作品には、モデルとなっている3つの日本のゲーム、「黄金の墓」、「オーホツクに消ゆ」、「TOKYOナンパストリート」が存在しており、いずれも80年代初期の名作アドベンチャーゲームです。「レトロゲームエイリアンズ」の製作サークルではそのモデルとなったそれらの伝説的ゲームの開発者へインタビューを行ったZine **「ビデオゲーム史をめぐる冒険シリーズ」**も制作しています。当時の開発環境や制作に至った背景などが語られており、現在とは大きく異なっている様子やその当時の新たな挑戦の様子を読むことができます。こういった情報は当時のプレイヤーには入手できないストーリーであり、現代の私たちがレトロとしてこれらのゲームに触れるから楽しめるのかもしれません。