🎤 Interview with SleepingMuseum
2024年 2月 24日
We could bear-ly (sorry) contain our glee when SleepingMuseum agreed to speak with us about the horror adventure game, Death Palette! We also talked about their previous escape room games and auto-runners, and where they got the idea of bargaining with paintings. Check it out, kuma!
English (translated)
Translated by Renkon

(2020) Death Palette
Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
Nice to meet you. I am a bear who makes games in the forest.
Can you also tell us about your mascot, Kuma? What have they been up to lately?
It was originally an enemy character in a game I made for an auto-running game, kuma. I used it as my developer profile picture and sell goods using this as a logo, but they don’t sell very well. No idea why.
The charming line around their mouth was actually supposed to be like the rings of a tree, and would increase every year. But I realized that if I added more rings, it would stop being cute, so I didn’t add any more, kuma.

(2020) 忘らるる旅宿からの脱出 (Escape the Forgotten Inn)
How did you get started making games?
I liked programming and putting together systems, so I got a job in that field. Before long, it became possible for individuals to make their own apps. I thought that by making games, I could compensate for any weaknesses in my drawing and writing by using them within a game system, and that’s how I got started, kuma.
Can you tell us about some of your favorite games and genres?
I love horror games, kuma. You know, the ones that slowly creep up on you. I also love scary sound novels, kuma.

Please tell us about Death Palette!
It’s a game about spending seven days in a dark atelier with a girl within a painting. If you don’t keep the painting happy, you will die, kuma.
Can you tell us about the process of making Death Palette? Was it different from the way you approached making your other games?
Up to that point, I had often made action games where a rough system was completed first and the setting and story came later, kuma. In contrast, this time the setting of this game held a lot of weight right from the concept stage, so I had to create a system that worked within that context, kuma. I thought at first that I would be done in about three months, but it took a year and a half of trial-and-error to get it in a satisfactory state, and during that time, I couldn’t imagine ever being done with it, kuma.

What was your greatest influence when making Death Palette?
I used to like 美の巨人たち (Giants of Art) on TV Tokyo. It’s a show that introduces works of art with short dramatized scenes, and I used to watch it every week, kuma. I liked thinking about why the artist chose to paint this, and what the expressions on their subject’s faces meant.
And whenever I got sick of my everyday life, I enjoyed going to art exhibitions at museums just as they were about to close. Being one-on-one with the paintings helped to calm me down, kuma. This is probably where Death Palette’s theme of holding a dialogue with a painting comes from, kuma.
I really enjoyed responding to the girl’s requests within this terrifying atmosphere, it was like solving puzzles. How did you come up with these puzzle ideas? Are there any puzzles in particular that you enjoyed making?
Several of the puzzles were inspired by famous historical paintings and art styles. I read a wide range of art books in libraries, traveled out to a bunch of art exhibitions, and basically looked at a ton of pictures, kuma.
There are two puzzles involving animals, and I think I was able to make both of them quirky and unique, kuma. Actually, I was planning to use Kuma in an animal puzzle, but people around me stopped me, and I gave up. I wonder why.

What was the most challenging part of making Death Palette?
Linking the puzzles and the story, kuma. I personally have this issue where I like puzzle-solving games, but I’m not good at looking for keys, putting together items, or deciphering codes, so even if I were interested in the story, I often give up because I can’t make any progress.
To that end, with this game I made it so that the roots of the painting is an integral part of solving the riddles, and I aimed to make it so the puzzles can be solved naturally by talking with the painting, kuma. Whenever I had to revise either a puzzle or the story, I had to make changes to the other too and it was like going through hell, but I think it fell into shape by the end, kuma.
If you were a character within a cursed painting, what sort of requests would you make of your painter?
Paint me white and cute, kuma, and being served salmon meunière.

What was the reaction like from people who played Death Palette at gaming events?
I think people generally enjoyed it, kuma. Also, the BGM by 魔王魂 (Maou Damashii) got a better reception than the actual story.
The threatening BGM that plays during the painting scenes at the beginning of the game is an original piece by Maou Damashii, and I think the presence of this song was critical in making the overall game incredibly satisfying. You gotta hand it to Maou.
Is there anything in Death Palette to which you want to draw the player’s attention?
I hope you enjoy interacting with the painting. I used the restrictions of the heroine being unable to move from her painting to my advantage, and put a lot of care into the direction and camera work, so I hope you notice these details when you play the game, kuma.

Do you have any indie games that you’d like to shout out? What do you like about them?
Recently, I thought Flat Machine by 合同会社ズィーマ (Zxima LLC) was fun. In a devastated village, you play as a gatekeeper robot and do this and that with the bad guys who show up one after the other, kuma. I had to give up when some wild utility poles showed up near the beginning of the game and I couldn’t defeat them, kuma. Utility poles, they’re real strong, kuma.

Can you tell us about other games you worked on in the past?
森でクマさんテラヤバス (Kuma in the Forest: Tera of Danger): An auto-running game in which a young lady escapes from a bear in the forest. The young lady who is the player character is also the heroine in later games. The game is currently unavailable to the public because I can no longer maintain it, but I am working on a remake, kuma.
TERASENE: This is a defense game where you play as the sun and protect a girl by turning everything to ash with your rays of light. Kuma also makes an appearance here as demons, so even past Kuma fans can enjoy it, kuma.
森クマ脱出 (Forest Bear Escape): On this website where you can create and publish escape room games, I published several horror games starring the white and cute Kuma. I recommend the spaceship horror game KUMALIEN, kuma.

(2021) KUMALIEN ヤバい宇宙船からの脱出
(KUMALIEN: Escape the Dangerous Spaceship)
Can you tell us about anything you are currently working on?
I am working with a publisher who approached me to release a consumer port of Death Palette. It’s so hard formatting the original portrait images into landscape, it makes me want to cry, kuma. So cursed.
Also, I’m about to release a new game for smartphones called Death Antique. It’s a stealth game about a girl reaper who lost her scythe who has to search for wandering souls here and there, kuma.
And I’m also slowly working on Mekururi Witch, a puzzle game about making a witch’s eyes spin; and Mori Kuma Collection, which brings together past Kuma games, kuma. It’s about time I went to a hot spring, kuma.

Do you have any messages for your players?
Play Kuma’s games too, kuma!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

(2020) まつろぱれっと

(2020) 忘らるる旅宿からの脱出






(2018) テラセネ

(2021) KUMALIEN ヤバい宇宙船からの脱出
他に、魔女の目をぐるぐる回す謎のゲーム「めくるりウィッチ」や、過去のクマゲームをまとめて遊べる **「森クマコレクション」**もじわじわ作っていますクマ。そろそろ温泉に行きたいですねクマ。
