🎤 Interview with Shoma
2024年 3月 29日
We spoke with Shoma about doing game jams, working in PICO-8, and making the cassette-themed puzzle platformer, MOTION⚫︎REC!
English (translated)
Translated by Renkon

(2023) MOTION●REC (PICO-8 version)
Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
I make small games. Recently I’ve been working on the full version of a game called MOTION●REC.
How did you get started making games?
I’ve always liked drawing and handicrafts. When I was in junior high school, I bought an iPod Touch and played with all of the interactive apps and games that were available on the early App Store. I wasn’t satisfied with that, so I jailbroke the iPod Touch and modified the interface to be like how I wanted. Something that left an impression on me was the way the interface scrolled and rotated when I swiped across a line of apps on the screen. Touching the screen to make them move felt like magic, and it was so interesting that I taught myself programming and started working on it by myself.
I caught COVID after graduating from university, so I stayed in and played indie games. I was impressed by games like ElecHead and Baba Is You and set out to make small 2D games.
Can you tell us about some of your favorite games and genres?
When I was a kid, I was really into Jump Ultimate Stars. Then there was Pokémon and What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord? I also love ElecHead and Baba Is You, which inspired me to make my own games, for being puzzle games that have an infinite replayability due to the wide range of solutions.
Recently, I like games like INSIDE that let your imagination come up with the story. I also enjoy Coffee Talk because the conversations have a similar tone to Haruki Murakami’s novels, and the surreal Enjoy the Diner.

Please tell us about MOTION⚫︎REC!
It is a puzzle action game centered around the concept of recording your movements and playing them back.
You can play it in your browser here. It takes about ten minutes to clear, so please check it out.
Can you tell us about the process of making MOTION⚫︎REC? Was it different from the way you approached making your other games?
I often used to participate in game jams where the we had to complete one game within a week. When I mastered the skills necessary to do that, I started making on MOTION⚫︎REC on a whim. I got the core concept working in about two hours, and when I showed it to the people around me, they responded well, so I decided to work on it in earnest.

What was your greatest influence when making MOTION⚫︎REC?
Using the idea of copy-paste, I wondered, what would happen if I copied and pasted a character’s movements? I was influenced by the cool interface of teenage engineering’s OP-1, which I thought could be used as a metaphor for recording and playback. And I thought, how can I incorporate all of this into a game? So I turned to games such as ElecHead, Downwell, and Celeste for inspiration.
What was the most challenging part of making MOTION⚫︎REC?
It was coming up with the cassette tape UI in order to evoke the feeling of playing recording and playback. I asked m7kenji to make it. Without that, it might have been hard for people to understand how to play.
I know that MOTION⚫︎REC is currently playable in browser, but that you’re also working on releasing a full version on Steam. What are some of the differences between the two versions?
For the full release, I asked m7kenji to do the graphics and nakimusi to do the sound, while I concentrate on game design, level design, and programming. I also have friends who playtest the game, give feedback, and go over ideas with me, and I feel the level of overall quality has improved. The game is being produced by HANDSUM, of which I am a member.

The current version of MOTION⚫︎REC was made in PICO-8. Can you tell us why you chose this format?
When developing in PICO-8, we can make small works in a short period of time, so it’s fine to make mistakes, and we can aggressively hone the fundamental concepts of the game. Also, even though it is difficult to expand a succinct concept into a larger game, it is possible to do so with a smaller game. As for the appeal of the development environment, I like the way that there is only one sprite sheet, and images can be referenced by number. It is a hassle to come up with a name for each sprite and that often stops me in my tracks, but with PICO-8, that is not the case. It’s also very fun being able to casually create pleasant sound effects and BGM…
Is there anything in MOTION⚫︎REC to which you want to draw the player’s attention?
In the PICO-8 version, the part I focused on the most was the flow of the tutorial. The player can understand how to play it step by step, and when they would cry “Ah!” in understanding, I was very happy. And after clearing the game in about ten minutes, I wanted to leave players hungry for more levels. What do you think, did I accomplish that?

(2023) ピックアップバレット (Pick Up Bullet)
I’ve noticed that you have participated in a few game jams. Can you tell us about their appeal?
One good thing I’ve gained is the ability to complete a game even if it’s a bit rough. In fact, there are some positives to having a rough game. And, much like in sports or competitions, I like the split-second decisions that combine to create a once-in-a-lifetime concept.
I understand that you’ve made a lot of collaborative works. What is the appeal in collaboration, and how do you manage these projects?
It is fun to be able to create things that one person cannot make alone. It takes a lot of effort to make a large game together, but I feel if you give yourselves about a week to make something, you can work on it casually and not worry about making mistakes, so I think you can chill and have fun. That is the glue that gives the game its shape, so please invite other people to collaborate with you. I am truly grateful to my collaborators and the people around me.

(2021) I misplaced the key somewhere..
Do you have any indie games that you’d like to shout out? What do you like about them?
There is a PICO-8 game called HOBOBOT. It’s a puzzle game where you control a robot’s disconnected arms and legs and get them to return to the main body.
Can you tell us about other games you worked on in the past?
In the world of your dreams, there is a town that you often visit, with people you often meet, and places where you often die. That experience gets repeated again and again in a game I made, Re: Dream. And I also like the concept of Release Notes, a game where every time you clear it, it gets an update and patch notes.
Can you tell us about anything you are currently working on?
I’m working on the full version of MOTION⚫︎REC!!! Please wishlist it!!!

Do you have any messages for your players?
I want to continue making small games and release an anthology collection of them. I would like to create unique experiences with concepts that can only be experienced with short works.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

(2023) MOTION●REC (PICO-8版)
もともとお絵描きや工作が好きでした。中学生のときにiPod Touchを買って初期のApp Storeにあったインタラクティブな作品やゲームを片っ端から購入して遊んでいました。それでは物足りずiPod Touchを脱獄してインターフェースを改造し自分好みにする遊びをしていました。印象に残ってるのはアプリが並んだ画面をスワイプすると回転しながらスクロールするインターフェースです。触ったら動くのが魔法みたいで面白く、自分でもプログラミングを独学して作り始めました。
大学卒業してからコロナになり、家の中でインディーゲームを遊ぶようになり「ElecHead」や「Baba Is You」に感動して2Dの小さなゲーム作品を作るようになりました。
子供の頃ハマったゲームは「ジャンプアルティメットスターズ」です。あとは「ポケモン」や「勇者のくせに生意気だ」です。ゲーム作りのきっかけとなった「ElecHead」や「Baba Is You」のようなパズルゲームも大好きで、要素の組み合わせで無限に遊びの可能性が広がるのが好きです。


コピペの概念から、キャラクターの動きをコピーしてペーストするとどうなるんだろう?と発想しました。teenage engineeringのOP-1のようなインターフェースがカッコよくて記録・再生のメタファーとしてつかえないかなと影響を受けています。また、それをどのようにゲームに落とし込めるか?と「ElecHead」、「Downwell」、「Celeste」などから影響を受けてます。


(2023) ピックアップバレット

(2021) I misplaced the key somewhere..
