Zine Archives
Zines, e-books, and game anthologies we worked on that showcase some amazing Japanese indie devs and their cool games!
Monthly Issues
#Monthly downloadable zine files compiling the articles that go up on the Blog, plus occasional bonus content! Read them in your browser, or download them in PDF, ePub, and MOBI formats. These also include the インタビュー特集 (Japanese interview editions) as well as the monthly digital postcard. You can find the downloads on itch and Ko-Fi to get notified of the latest issues.
Digital Books and Collections
#Digital books and collections of our work!
(2023) インディー通信 Indie Tsushin: Year 1
#This is a digital book covering the first year of インディー通信 Indie Tsushin from 2022 December to 2023 December, available in ePub and MOBI formats. The cover art for Year 1 was done by Ruby May Valentine. Available on itch and Ko-Fi.
(2022) Indiepocalypse Presents: インディー通信 Indie Tsushin
#We collaborated with Andrew from Indiepocalypse to create Indiepocalypse Presents: インディー通信 Indie Tsushin, a game bundle and zine featuring ten indie/doujin games from Japan!
Featured games:
- Tonets by Abcden
- あけロータス (Akelotus) by Haipai Warumi
- 運命の二人【恋愛シミュレーター(?)】 (Duo of Destiny: A Love Simulator) by hidev
- ロケット門松マン (Rocket Kadomatsu Man) by Hoppoco
- Nihonmatsu no Massan by HyperMamu
- kiss-fish by Negi
- キツネとタヌキ ~探しもの見つけて、また探すの巻~ (Fox and Tanuki: Find and Seek) by nyacchu and 美智 (michi)
- High Five Mania by sewo hayami
- コロコロ森の赤ずきん (Red Riding Hood in the Rolling Forest) by シュー (Shu)
- Everything is your enemy by yumehiko